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What is hydrolyzed collagen?

Hydrolyzed collagen
Nowadays, many people are in trouble to maintain or obtain a body with healthy measures, to follow a diet full of vitamins and nutrients, and to include physical exercises throughout the tiring routine. However, these much-needed measures do not seem to be enough for our organism to remain young. Giving a “little help” with certain products available on the market has been essential, especially with regard to the health of the skin, tendons, and ligaments, hasn’t it?
Have you ever stopped to think, for example, that practically a third of our body’s protein is made up of collagen? Yes, that’s right. Because it is so important, it has become one of the targets for maintaining the health of our body. After all, as time goes by, we need to worry more and more about the health of our skin, tendons, and ligaments so that we can pass through time without having to worry about unwanted pain.
With that in mind, nowadays on the market, it is possible to find hydrolyzed collagen, an excellent option of food supplementation for those who want to improve the appearance of the skin, nails, hair and, on top of that, give that boost and strengthen the joints.
You are probably wondering: but what is this supplementation? How does it work? What are its benefits? Who can take it? Are there any contraindications for its use? Follow, in the text below, more information and stay on top of this subject!
Over the years, the structural function of our body weakens and, consequently, the protection of tissues and connections of the bone skeleton decreases. In addition, some external factors, such as spending a lot of time in the strong sun, consuming excessive alcoholic beverages, and having a habit of smoking accelerate the skin aging process, causing the so unwanted wrinkles and the so feared signs of expression to appear in our face.
Currently, on the shelves of pharmacies across the country, there are countless creams and expensive products that bring in their packaging endless promises of a return to youth. However, before investing our money, it is essential to know what we are spending on and whether, in fact, we will achieve the desired results with the continued use of these products.
Hydrolyzed collagen is one of the affordable options that are available on the market today. But what is this product? Well, it consists of a food supplement, created from cartilage and bone material from cattle, poultry, and pigs, extracted through a process called hydrolysis, that is, through the aggregation of water to the collagen from these animals.
In this way, it is highly capable of providing the necessary components to stimulate the production of collagen in our body, thus helping to improve the skin and strengthen the nails, hair, joints, and tendons.
But why is this product important and how does it act in our body? Check out more information below!
First of all, it is necessary to understand that, especially from the age of 30, we begin to decrease the production of natural collagen in our body. What does this cause? Well, the consequences are the weakening of the joints and bones, the decrease in the elasticity of our skin, and the appearance of wrinkles and signs of expression on our face, in addition to, of course, the loss of shine in the hair and the beginning of brittle nails.
It is no coincidence that collagen appears as one of the most important compounds in our connective tissue, is it not? After all, its structure is diversified into almost thirty isoforms of collagen present in cartilage, tendons, bones, muscles, teeth, skin, and even veins.
How hydrolyzed collagen is extracted from the skin, cartilage, and tendons of animals, it acts in our body as a way of replacing the missing collagen in our body, thus promoting numerous benefits to our skin, nails, hair, and joint tissue.
In other words, this product is highly effective in combating the loss of elasticity and strength of the skin, muscles, tendons, and bones, as well as the joint pains that appear over time.
After all, the continuous consumption of this type of supplementation makes it possible to replace the amounts lost during our natural and inevitable aging, in addition to minimizing the harmful effects of external factors.
As mentioned earlier, there are numerous types of collagen present in our body and which, over the years, require supplementation for replacement. To understand even more about the subject and understand the importance of collagen in our body, follow the main types:
– Type I collagen: so important that 90% of our body is composed of it. Made of dense fibers, it helps the entire structure of the skin, tendons, teeth, connective tissue, and fibrous cartilage.
– Type II collagen: do you know those places in our body that can withstand great pressure? Well, this is because of this type of collagen, as it is found in the cartilage of joints and intervertebral discs. When we carry out our daily activities, he is responsible for reducing the impact, playing the role of buffer.
– Type III collagen: is responsible for supporting muscle structure, organs, and arteries. It is present in large quantities in so-called smooth muscles, that is, those that form blood vessels, heart, lungs, stomach, intestine, liver, kidneys, and spleen.
– Type IV collagen: when it comes to coating and support, he is the protagonist. Present mainly in the epithelial tissue, that is, in the skin layers, it plays a fundamental role, also covering organs such as stomach, bladder, urethra, endocrine glands, and chest cavity.
In addition to these main types, there are also auxiliary collagens, such as type V, which play an important role in the functions of type I collagen; collagen VI, which can be found in the placenta and blood; types VII and VIII that are present in some of our endothelial cells; and, finally, type IX collagen, which can be found in our eyes, more specifically in the retina and cornea.
Evidently, as time goes by, our organism decreases more and more the production of natural collagen, so important for the functioning of our body. To get a sense, studies show that, from the age of 30, the annual loss of collagen is 1%. From the age of 50, this loss increases drastically and can reach 35% per year. Imagine the damage caused by the lack of replacement of this lost collagen.
For this reason, the continuous consumption of hydrolyzed collagen is essential for the health of our body as a whole. In other words, this type of supplementation is the ideal solution for those people who want to have an increasingly healthy skin and, at the same time, a getaway to protect themselves from the feared extremely harmful external factors that accelerate the aging process.
But why should we consume this product? What benefits does it bring to our bodies? Follow, below, the main benefits that this supplement can bring to improve your lifestyle even more:
– Prevents and reduces facial wrinkles: it is able to stimulate the reduction of wrinkles and expression signs.
– Increases the firmness and elasticity of the skin: there is an improvement of at least 10% of the firmness and elasticity of the skin.
– Fights and reduces the formation of cellulite: it is able to recover the area affected by the much-feared cellulite, in addition to, of course, preventing it from occurring by preventing fat levels from accumulating in certain regions of the body.
– Strengthens hair and nails: prevents nails from weakening and causes them to become less and less brittle, in addition to reducing the drying of hair strands, leaving them lighter, shiny, and silky.
In short, this type of collagen is able to:
– Reduce premature aging.
– Minimize wrinkles and expression marks on the skin of the face.
– Increase and stimulate the skin’s firmness and elasticity.
– Strengthen nails and hair and stimulate their growth, making them healthier and healthier.
– Prevent and reduce the occurrence of cellulite and stretch marks.
– Protect the circulatory system.
– Improve the construction of tendons, joints, and muscles.
– Prevent muscle pain.
– Treat osteoporosis.
– Improve arterial health.
– Prevent serious problems, such as gastric ulcers, for example.
The Hydrolyzed Collagen serves a number of essential purposes for the health and well-being of those who consume it.
This serves mainly to promote an adequate elasticity and firmness of the skin. Along with this, collagen also serves, especially, to strengthen all joints in the body.
That is, hydrolyzed collagen is indicated to improve and supplement the lost elasticity of the skin while strengthening the joints. This second point is essential for maintaining the health of the body.
After all, collagen is primarily responsible for forming various tissues in the body such as skin, tendons, bones, cartilage, and also protecting organs. Thus, it acts to prevent and delay aging, preserves ligaments, and tendons and prevents osteoporosis.
However, hydrolyzed collagen is not just for these purposes. It also helps, for example, strengthening nails and hair. In fact, collagen not only strengthens them, but it also manages to shine and improve the growth of nails and hair. The hydrolyzed collagen also serves to improve the control of the blood pressure of those who make use of its supplementation.

Harper Harrison is a reporter for The Hear UP. Harper got an internship at the NPR and worked as a reporter and producer. harper has also worked as a reporter for the Medium. Harper covers health and science for The Hear UP.