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Tips to Help you Avoid Migraines



Migraine refers to a neurological disease that causes recurrent headaches. It is also accompanied by symptoms like vomiting and nausea. Over forty million Americans experience migraines, according to a study. It is possible to treat migraines using medication, but you should always look after yourself to avoid it. Adjusting your lifestyle habits promotes general health and lowers the intensity of this condition. Suppose you have similar symptoms, reach out to a  Morgan Hill, CA pediatric neurologist for all migraine-related concerns.

Below we discuss how to avoid migraines.

1.  Avoid Bright Lights and Loud Noises

Loud noises and flashing lights are leading causes of migraine headaches. It might be challenging to avoid this stimulus, but it will help to know they occur in specific environments. Examples include;

·         Attending movies in theaters

·         Night driving

·         Going to overcrowded places.

2.  Have a Headache Diary

A diary helps you to identify what triggers your migraines. It will help to keep track of the following things;

·         What you drink or eat

·         The weather

·         Your headache’s severity

·         Strong emotions and feelings.

3.  Look Out for Hormonal Changes

Hormones have a significant role in determining hormonal terms. Most women get migraine headaches before their menstruation, and they should monitor their diet in this stage. Hormonal monitoring helps to ease symptoms before they start. Hormonal replacement also increases the chances of getting migraines, and most women seek solace by switching to other birth control methods.

4.  Take Supplements

Even though it is possible to treat migraines with or without medications, it will help to get the correct nutrients. Taking herbs and certain minerals keeps you free from migraines. Medics recommend you take magnesium supplements because they help prevent outbursts.

5.  Have a Regular Eating and Sleeping Schedule

Migraine headaches are triggered when you fast or skip meals. It is advisable to eat at least one hour after waking up, then after four hours. Dehydration and hunger cause headaches, so you should take plenty of water. Migraine symptoms are also aggravated by lack of sleep, meaning you should have at least eight hours of sleep. Remember, too much sleep also causes migraines, so you should watch your limit.

6.  Take Part in Relaxing Exercises

Frequent exercise is an essential component of living a healthy life. However, you will trigger migraines by indulging in intense exercises like lifting weights. Listen to your body’s response after taking part in certain activities. Choose activities that reduce stress without straining the body. Such exercises include yoga and aerobics.

7.  Make Initial Plans

Planning is a great way to shun specific migraine triggers. You will avoid the condition’s symptoms by knowing them early. Also, train yourself how to handle stressful conditions to prevent headaches. Even though we cannot wholly manage stressful situations, we can control our reactions towards them. Migraines occur due to stressful events, and you can try relaxation strategies like yoga and meditation.

Migraines are prevalent, and they cause pain to their victims. Even though you can use medicine to handle them, the above steps will reduce their intensity easily. At South Valley Neurology, we know what migraine patients go through and we are at the frontline against it. Schedule an appointment to treat all migraine types. These services are affordable and offer long-term results.


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