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The principles of bodybuilding and fitness



Bodybuilding and fitness

do you want to get in shape, are you looking for training ideas, a personal training program?

Do not know what exercises to do to strengthen your muscles or be in good physical shape in general?

With the Superprof personal trainer method, you achieve a dream body, a muscular torso, well-molded legs, and bodybuilder’s arms.

Muscle your torso with a workout

Like an iceberg, the torso is the most visible part of the human body. Strong pecs, well-drawn abs, developed triceps, these are some of the muscles that you can work on during your muscle-building and strengthening sessions.

Muscular torso in the fitness room

If you go to the gym, you will be able to use a large part of the bodybuilding equipment to muscle your bust. In your first session, a physical trainer in the room explains the devices available in the room and the muscle areas that are exercised with each one.

If you are a novice in the weight room, we advise you to take a personal trainer course and that the sports coach design a training program for you. For that, you will have to expose your objective (increase in muscle mass, toning, abs …) and give him your availability for planning.

Personal training at home

Are you always overwhelmed and don’t have time to go to the gym?

You have 2 options:

You become your physical trainer and you do a training program: exercises, duration, number of repetitions, series, recovery time … it is better that you have good sports knowledge so as not to injure yourself and reach your goal.

You optimize your time and decide to use a certified personal trainer who visits your home to perform muscle-strengthening sessions. Much appreciated by Anglo-Saxons, the personal trainers are in full swing in Spain. At Superprof, you will find the best trainers available on the market.

If you use a personal trainer at home, think about leaving free space to perform your exercises ( push-ups, dips, abdominals … ). Invest in a good mat to do the exercises.

If you get hooked on a sport like CrossFit, you can also set up a weight room with a bench, weights, pull bar, exercise bike, rowing or elliptical.

There are 3 main areas to take into account the bust muscles:

The arms: develop the biceps and triceps, mainly with the dumbbells and the vertical barbell pulls.

Concrete crunches: crunch, iron, scissors, all these exercises decrease the waist and tone the belly.

Swimmer’s chest: increase your rib cage thanks to the dips or the bench press. Be careful to be well watched when you lift heavyweights in the gym.

Muscle your back too: thanks to rowing or swimming, complete your bodybuilding with quality physical training. Swimming massages the body, ideal for recovering after a difficult session.

In our article on the best exercises for a dream bust, you will know everything you need to:

Dumbbells and pull bar, weights,

The bench press,

Push-ups, pulls, dips,

Sit-ups and crunches, burpees, squats,

Rowing, cycling, swimming, athletics,

Muscle toning for a slim silhouette (fitness tips for women).

The followers of bodybuilding tend to forget to work the muscles of the back. The dumbbell exercises are not only good for the biceps and triceps muscles.

Muscle your arms with your workout

Working your arms, at the gym or at home is relatively easy. Do you have dumbbells? Do biceps curl, one of the weight training exercises most used by physical trainers and personal trainers.

Don’t feel like lifting weight? Pull, in the fitness room or at home (easy to find pull bars, easily fit the door frame from 63 to 100 cm wide).

Are not the tractions easy? True. Doing them well takes time because you have to have enough arm strength to lift your own bodyweight, to begin with. It is an exercise that can be difficult for some women, with little muscular arms.

For those who find it difficult to do pull-ups, think about developing your arms using water bottles as dumbbells, at first, and doing push-ups, to develop upper body strength.

Push-ups, another very interesting exercise to develop the triceps, deltoids, and pecs, has the advantage that it can be done anywhere: at home, in the office, in the hotel … Follow the coach’s advice to do well the “push-ups”.

To muscle your arms and develop your triceps, located at the back of your arms, consider the bench press. This involves going to the gym unless you invest in a weight bench, barbell, and weights. Take a look at creatine for sale to get a little extra energy in the muscles to help speed up the process.

Muscle your legs with your workout

There are two possible objectives when working the legs:

Bodybuilding and mass gain: the athlete wants to gain volume at the level of the quadriceps, twins, and ischia.

Cellulite reduction, loss of fatty tissue, with the aim of having molded legs and marked muscles.

In the first case, it is better to target the bodybuilding apparatus.

In the second case, thinks rather do squats without bar or half squats to define the muscles of legs and buttocks.

Aquabiking or aqua jogging, two activities carried out in the pool, under the supervision of a certified trainer, exercise the muscles of the legs, buttocks, and the abdominal belt at the same time as the pressure of the water activates the blood circulation.

A true weapon of mass destruction against cellulite!

Like spinning or cycling, aqua biking allows you to burn enough calories (between 500 and 600 kcal depending on the intensity) and define the silhouette. Even less aggressive than cycling, as the water slows down the joints, you have to try it!

To firm/muscle the inside of your thighs, think about scissors as well, lying on a mat. To make it even more effective, you can add weights to your heels, so you will work more on the adductors.

Finally, cycling, road or mountain, is an outdoor sport that exercises the heart, lungs and strengthens all the leg muscles, all with a cyclist tan for when you go to the pool.

If you think you have too bulky legs, you can also do 5 activities that Cosmopolitan recommends to slim your legs:

Walk fast or run




Yoga and stretching

Are you looking to take a personal trainer course in Madrid? Check our platform.

a good diet with Clenbuterol to improve your physical training.

Without a healthy diet, rich in vitamins and minerals, it is impossible to accompany your body well in its sports training.

Hydrate yourself before, during, and after the sessions, reinforce the protein contributions, if you want to gain muscle mass, and reduce your carbohydrates a little if you want to define your silhouette and lose a few kilos.

Anyway, if you have regular physical activity and do not increase your nutritional contributions, you are going to lose weight, it is mathematical.

Nutrition adapted and personal training quality must go hand in order to achieve the desired objective.


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