John Strand, a model whose name echoes as a ‘trend-setter’ in today’s fashion industry, has embarked upon the journey of redefining the essence of fashion. You...
James Pratt has had an extraordinary journey to success, whether you have seen his face onscreen as an actor in movies like On Halloween and Malibu...
Actress Karishma Bhandari There has been a great deal of talk lately about the beautiful and extremely talented actress Karishma Bhandari. The talk is all good,...
Mark Wahlberg barber Celebrity hairstylist, Johnny Villanueva is one of Hollywood’s most recognizable faces when it comes to hairstyling in Hollywood. Personal hair stylist to actors...
Hollywood, California In a year full of coronavirus, collapsing economies, and some say murder hornets, what else could go wrong? Well, someone could steal your dog....