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Surrogacy cost: how to establish a profitable cooperation with a surrogate mother
A couple who have realized the need to engage the services of a surrogate mother needs reliable information. Should I look for a surrogate mother on my own? How much will the costs increase if you entrust this task to a reproductive clinic? What is the cost of a surrogate mother and is there a legal guarantee of getting a child and parental rights to him or her? There are many questions, and answers vary not only from country to country but also among clinics. In this article, we will give answers to them in the context of reproductive services in Ukraine.
Future parents can choose a woman on their own whom they will trust the right to carry a child. In this case, the candidate will need a full medical examination confirming the absence of contraindications to artificial fertilization and surrogacy. Conducting such private surveys has no sense, as clinics providing an opportunity to involve your own surrogate mother insist on the examination made by their own specialists. At the same time, they usually have their own bases of surrogate mothers, whose health is completely satisfactory. As for the costs at this stage, with the cooperation of the Professor Feskov’s Ukrainian Center of Human Reproduction, there is no difference between the cost of surrogate mother services chosen by clients or provided by the clinic (future parents will be able to get acquainted with the provided candidate personally if desired). Examinations and the surrogate mother costs are included in the price of guaranteed programs.
The Feskov Human Reproduction Group programs are guaranteed. This means that by paying a fixed amount, the couple will become the parents of a healthy child. No payment of unsuccessful IVF attempts and surrogate mother’s pregnancy terminations: in case of failures, repeated cycles of procedures are carried out until the result stipulated in the contract (birth of a healthy child) is achieved.
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The Civil Code and the Family Code regulate the legal relationship between genetic parents and the woman who carries the child for them: genetic parents have an undeniable right to the child and their data is entered in the birth certificate. There is no way a surrogate mother can keep a child.
You can get more detailed information on the programs of Feskov Human Reproduction Group including accommodation, food, and legal support, from the managers on the company’s website.
Addison is a student of the Aust Abbottabad University of Science and Technology. He started his graduation in 2016 and graduated in 2020. I’m a professional article and blog writer, has written dozens of content on different topics and worked with professionals all over the globe. Feel free to contact me for any assistance. [email protected]