Common Sports Injuries You Should Report to an Orthopedic Specialist



Engaging in sports like soccer, rugby, and running is essential in keeping your body fit. Besides, sports allow you to interact with other people, which promotes relations. Unfortunately, any sport is accompanied by injuries that can cause pain and discomfort, impacting your overall wellness. If you are an athlete struggling with an injury, Peter Wenger MD is ready to solve your concern. Early treatment enables you to return to your favorite sports; thus, do not hesitate to seek treatment even if you suspect an injury. This article presents common sports injuries you should report to an orthopedic specialist.


Usually, contact and impact sports can lead to fractures of the bone in the arm, feet, or legs. These fractures cause undesirable pain that may sometimes require surgery to fix. Fractures are most common in high-contact sports like soccer and basketball. You should invest in appropriate padding, warming up to strengthen the muscles, and practicing proper techniques. If your leg is broken, report it immediately to an orthopedic specialist.

Patellofemoral Syndrome

Numerous tissues assist in the movement of the kneecap against the end of your thigh bone. Different activities, including jumping and running, increase the likelihood of damaging these tissues where patellofemoral can occur. Contact an orthopedic specialist to get orthotic shoes. These shoes are vital as they take pressure from your knee joint. Besides, physical therapy can help in strengthening the quadriceps.

Back Injuries

The back and spinal column encounter some forms of stress in each sport. With time, the stress can amass into inflammation near the back muscles and vertebrae, leading to disc injuries and lower or upper back pain. An orthopedic specialist can offer different treatments based on your condition, from rest and physical therapy to surgery. Thus, ensure you report any back pain or discomfort immediately.

Torn labrum

You may experience a tear anywhere where the labrum connects to the glenoid. Some of the common causes of torn labrum include shoulder overuse or trauma in the joint. When your labrum is torn, your shoulder becomes weaker and less stable, contributing to pain. Even though it can be complex to avoid labrum tears, there are various mechanisms you can embrace to lower the likelihood. For instance, you should take care when climbing a ladder.

Hamstring Strain

Sports may cause you to fall forward and can strain your hamstring. The Hamstring strain comprises three muscles in the back of your thigh. Your specialist can first suggest RICE treatment initially. If the condition persists, your provider may recommend physical therapy to enhance flexibility and strengthen your hamstring.


The sciatic nerve prolongs from the low back of each leg. When your spine is injured, including a bulging disc, some pressure is exerted on the sciatic nerve leading to tingling, pain, and numbness down the leg. These red flags are called sciatica, mainly in sports that demand a lot of upper-body rotation.

Sports injuries can adversely affect your quality of life due to the pain that accompanies these injuries if left untreated. If you are an athlete unable to participate in your sport due to an injury, it is time to turn the clock around. Report your condition to an orthopedic specialist, where you can receive treatment based on your condition, from physical therapy to surgery.


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