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MUSIC in the QUARANTINE – Queen AndreYAH Black’s Angel Project

New York, October 22, 2020 — We are excited to announce that Queen Andreyah M. Black, international singer-‐songwriter and licensed minister, has released ‘AndreYAH’s Angel Project.’
The project is a video collaboration of musicians and singers from all over the world, featuring renowned multi Emmy award winning jazz pianist, arranger and composer, D.D. Jackson, and off Broadway co-‐singer, Evangelist Phyllis Harris.
Together with renowned musicians Mark Peterson (Bass), Tony Lewis (Drums) and a fabulous choir including Lili Roquelin, Elena Degl’Innocenti, Lori Zuroff, Joyce Gim, Edson Sean and O’Bryan Carlock. This captivating performance is a fresh re-‐arrangement of Richard Smallwood’s “Angels.” The virtual video link to watch is:
Amid the Covid -‐19 pandemic, much of live music has collapsed. During such an unprecedented time, when musicians and fans alike are feeling more isolated and missing out on live music performances, we can unite and use music for good.
“When I first heard the original song “Angels” by Richard Smallwood, in January of last year, it touched me so deeply. I said to myself I must record this song. In March, Covid 19 came and I just knew I had to do something artistic and inspiring to give people hope worldwide, and this was the song. I am very happy with everyone’s brilliance and hard work in making this virtual video,” said AndreYAH.
“Angels” is sure to engage new audiences worldwide.

About AndreYAH
Queen AndreYAH Black is a “Voice of Heaven”. Songstress and songwriter, she blends gospel, R&B, and Jazz into angelic yet exceptionally powerful songs. Minister Black has travelled the world, ministering in countries including Russia, Africa, Argentina and Mexico leading Miracle and Worship Crusades, coaching praise and worship teams, voice students, musicians, liturgical dancers and actors under her mobile institute Artist Enterprises & Self-‐Kare Solutions. The Angel Project is an extension of Minister Black’s love and care for humanity during this time of crisis.
About D. D. Jackson (Piano)
“D. D.” Jackson is an Emmy award winning, Canadian–American jazz pianist and composer. He won the Juno Award for Best Contemporary Jazz Album -‐ Instrumental in 2000 for his solo piano disc “So Far”.
About Phyllis Harris
Evangelist Phyllis Harris has been ministering in song to men and women, in the New York State Correctional facilities with The Rainbow Gospel Singers of Poughkeepsie. She was most recently seen in ALIVE! 55+ and Kickin produced by Vy Higginsen.
Please get in touch with Sarah Jayne at [email protected] for the line-‐up, interviews, or a press pack.
Queen Andreyah Black Tel: (256) 502 – 6935 [email protected]

Queen Andreyah Black Tel: (256) 502 – 6935 [email protected]

Harper Harrison is a reporter for The Hear UP. Harper got an internship at the NPR and worked as a reporter and producer. harper has also worked as a reporter for the Medium. Harper covers health and science for The Hear UP.