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How to take out an installment loan at the best rate?



An installment loan is an ideal loan to help you carry out your projects. However, each financial institution has its advantages and disadvantages, advantages, and disadvantages that you must decipher to obtain credit at a preferential rate. Installment loans helps you!

Installment loans: only assets

In the case of unexpected circumstances, the installment loan is an effective alternative. This credit formula is popular with consumers since it does not require a report or withdrawal from a savings account. In addition, the reimbursement can be spread out as you wish, with monthly payments that vary depending on the ease of reimbursement of the applicant.

Simple procedures

Obtaining an installment loan requires a few procedures. All you need to do is go to a financial institution with proof of identity and the latest pay-slips before completing a form. For some institutions, requests can be made online, but in both cases, the client often gets their money as soon as possible.

Credit: for whom?

The low rate installment loan is granted to people who can afford to pay their debts or who have a debt ratio below 30%. Persons registered with the BNB cannot hope to contract this financing solution.

The credit simulation to be effective

Almost all banks make a loan simulator available on their online platform so that the applicant can project themselves into the future by assessing the amount of the different monthly payments and their spread. This service is free and does not bind the user. The online credit simulation also makes it possible to compare the services of each financial institution, without going through the traditional comparators, which only give an overall overview of the offers. To find the right balance of amounts payable, you must use the credit simulator and insert several sums of monthly payments for the requested funds.

Pay within your means

To settle the entire debt as quickly as possible, it is preferable to opt for a short repayment period. This specifies that the monthly payments are more important. However, the cost of credit is lower. Long repayment periods cost more but are perfect for those with an unstable financial situation or too much debt. In this case, the banks opt for constant monthly payments and the applicant can rarely negotiate the flexibility of payment.

Take out a low-rate installment loan

There is no shortage of techniques for obtaining credit at the best rate, even if the rates are fixed. To achieve this, some advice talking in person with an advisor rather than opting for an online subscription. A practice which, in addition to offering a more personalized solution, also allows us to discuss certain advantages.

The contract: a guarantee of transparency

Before signing a loan contract, it is essential to pay attention to several details, including, in particular, the total cost of the loan, the amount of insurance or the rates and various fees mentioned in the contract. Contracts are generally transparent, legislation requires, but caution is nonetheless essential. Ask all questions directly to your advisor.


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