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How to Create a Relaxing Environment at Home



Regardless of whether you are a homebody who would rather stay inside instead of exploring the great outdoors or you’ve found yourself spending more time indoors due to unforeseen circumstances, it is vital that your home is a pleasant place to be in. If you don’t feel comfortable in your home, it’s time to make some changes in order to create a relaxing environment where you can escape the world and recharge your batteries. Take a look.


Get Rid of the Clutter

The first step towards having a more relaxing atmosphere is getting rid of all the clutter around your home. It is well-known that clutter can affect the way we feel, from being nervous to experiencing claustrophobia. To prevent these unpleasant feelings and to always know where your possessions are, you need to cut the clutter. Tackle your closet and toss everything you no longer wear. Consider making your bedroom a technology-free zone to sleep better. Clean up your kitchen and bathroom by disposing of all expired products and those you do not use. In the living room, minimize the number of knick-knacks that simply create clutter. Either look for better storage solutions where you can put these items or throw them away.

Choose the Right Colors

The color scheme you choose to incorporate into your living space can also play a big role when it comes to creating a relaxing atmosphere. Different shades have different effects on different people. This is why it’s important to look for a hue that helps you relax. For some individuals, that’s various shades of off-white; for some people, it’s blues, greens, and grays, while there are also those who prefer warmer hues like pink and yellow. From painting your walls to introducing colorful curtains, rugs and throw pillows, there are many ways you can add some relaxing colors to your home.

Add Some Plants

Seeing as how sometimes we cannot go outside to enjoy nature, it’s good to add some plants to our homes that will provide us with the same effect. Not only will we get to experience plenty of health benefits but adding plants and flowers will also bring a pop of color into our homes and boost their overall look. Additionally, the air will be cleaner and the flowers can also add a nice, relaxing scent to space.

Make Yourself Warm and Comfy

To feel relaxed, we also have to feel comfortable. So, dedicate one corner of your home to your favorite type of activity. Perhaps you love knitting, drawing or playing games – create an area where you can do just that. If you like reading, set up an armchair near your fireplace where you can go to escape into a fictional world. On the other hand, maybe you’d rather watch TV. Then, add some comfy pillows and warm blankets to your sofa and enjoy the show. To stay warm, you can also prepare a delicious cup of joe with your coffee-making apparatus or brew your favorite tea.

Play Soothing Sounds

When creating a relaxing environment, you should also consider incorporating sounds. There are people who prefer music, either something instrumental or the current chart-toppers, while there are also individuals who don’t find this soothing. If you belong to the latter group, you still have some alternatives. For example, you can consider sounds like wind, rain or white noise or you can venture into playing podcasts and audiobooks. Try out different things until you find what works best for you.

Try Aromatherapy

In addition to calming sounds, you can also look for scents that will help you relax. We already mentioned that flowers can help with this but there are other things to consider as well. For instance, scented candles are very easy to find and they come in many different smells so you just need to look for those that suit you. You can also get oil diffusers or get handy with some potpourri. Seeing as how aromatherapy can really help with stress relief, there is no reason why you shouldn’t do this as well.

Look Into Feng Shui

Something else that can help you set up a relaxing environment for yourself is the practice of feng shui. This Chinese tradition has helped many people create harmony in their homes and experience all the stress-relief benefits it comes with. Seeing as how this is also a decorating approach, it means that you will have this type of atmosphere without having to constantly maintain it. Play with symmetry and the contrast of light and dark pieces until you find the layout that fits your needs.

There are many ways how you can make your home more relaxing. From picking the right color scheme and layout to being comfy and playing some music in the background, you can surely find something that will fit into your lifestyle and create that sense of peace that we all crave and deserve.


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