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Habits of Highly Effective Psychiatrist



My anxious friend asked me to accompany him to one of his therapies, I agreed as I was worried about this friend of mine. He has been going to this top notch doc for weeks, yet I could not see any improvements. He was still waking up in sweat, experiencing panic attacks and worst of all depression was on its way for this guy. The reason was not so surprising at all, since his psychiatrist was of no help in any way. He hardly made eye contact, he kept looking at his clock and at some points I felt as if he chuckled about my friend’s nightmares!

You see if you are a medical profession with zero humility for your patient, then all your achievements are down the drain.

Of course John (my friend) cut this person loose, but the incident disturbed me quite a bit. Luckily I got to meet one of my uncle’s friends who happens to be one of the best psychiatrists in Pakistan. Upon my narrative and discussion, I learnt there are some distinct qualities which sets a psychiatrist apart from the average psychiatrist.

Qualities of Good Psychiatrist

1.Humility and Kindness

This should go without saying, but being modest is important for every profession even more for a psychiatrist who has full control of someone’s mental health. You may have years of experience but there is always something to learn from your patient or your staff. Humility does not make one weak but rather elevates the level of respect. Second most important attribute is kindness. Being kind and open to your patients will help you understand them more. Your kindness will become a word of mouth and soon enough you will be renowned in your field.

2.Prescribes/Treat Accordingly

An average psychiatrist would only listen to your symptoms and write down prescriptions which he must have given to at least a dozen patients the same day. Meaning? He doesn’t care enough to treat you differently. Some doctors even do that because they have samples of prescriptions from a pharmaceutical which they want to get rid of really quick. It may sound like a little far stretch but that does happen to some patients.

3.Holistic Diagnosis Approach

Good psychiatrist is usually asking you about your sleep patterns, your diet and any other stressors. A good psychiatrist usually sketches out a complete relationship tree with other related support systems. This gives a better understanding about what is a patient’s strengths and weaknesses. He/ She can also guide you about other non-medication ways of relieving your panic or depression symptoms.

4.Communicates Effectively

This is important for every doctor out there. Right communication is an important key for major diagnosis. You may be a specialized doctor but your patient is not. It’s a doctor’s responsibility to go to the level of their patient’s awareness and make them aware of things in their language. For example, using ‘schemas’ would not make sense to your patient, but using the word ‘thought’ or ‘concepts’ will help them understand what’s actually happening. Such small strategies will not only make your diagnosis easier but also satisfy your patient.


How easily and comfortably you can access your psychiatrist plays an important part. For example, I would prefer having the doctor’s personal phone number than having to make regular calls to his office knowing his availability.

6.Gives Hope

Are you even a psychiatrist phoenix if you do not boost your patients? Giving hope will help a patient’s mental health. That does not mean you should make false promises to your patients. However, you should motivate your patient to pick themselves up and keep a follow-up appointment to stay on track with their psychiatrist. This is much needed for a patient’s steady recovery.

7.Does not Shy Away from Referring to Other Doctors

okay! This one is a big one for me. Having to know more about your symptoms and effective psychiatry will refer you to other specialists to help you better. Your diagnosis will be smoother and you will be able to locate another specialist easily thanks to your psychiatrist.

Some Qualities on a Personal Level for a Doctor

  • Good listening and observation skills
  • Showing empathy
  • Has a good command over his knowledge
  • Practice good radiance
  • Friendly, easy to talk to

So if you have set out to help people with their mental health, it is vital to educate yourself with quality habits and practices. If you have no clue what you are about to do with your profession, you better stay back in your medical school and look for something that will work for you, as mental health is vulnerable and important.


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