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5 Tips To Put Together Your Digital Marketing Strategy



When you start a business, it is not enough for you to invest in an ecommerce website and have a presence on all existing social networks.

To make your channels more effective, develop a digital marketing strategy that leads your brand to become better known among your customers and prospects, and with a better projection over time.

Entrepreneurship involves more than having an idea and carrying it out and then making it known to the world. It also involves developing a strategy that allows your business to grow. And this has nothing to do with the amount of capital you have for it.

In this sense, it is key that you understand the digital world, especially if your intention is to prosper mainly in the online format.Whether you set out to develop a website or want to build a strong social media presence or both in parallel your efforts will be more effective if you design and implement an effective digital marketing strategy.

These are the best ways to do it:

1. Define Your Target Audience

As stated in the Digital Marketing Manual for Entrepreneurs of the Doing It site, the first thing to do is define the target audience or “buyer persona” of your brand through a fictitious representation of what your ideal client would be like.

To do this, investigate their behavior, their demographic characteristics, their motivations, their hobbies, what they do, and if they have family or children, which will also help you better empathize with them and devise more effective strategies to capture their attention.

At this point it is key that you focus on people and not on the numbers or number of followers that you can reach on social networks, since not all people are likely to buy what you offer and, therefore, not all of them are your consumers.

On the contrary, when you create value through your business, the good numbers and results come by themselves.

2. Generate Valuable Content

Once you define the buyer person (s), generate quality content and share it on the platforms that your prospects frequent the most.

For this phase of your strategy you have at your disposal the same website of your business, social networks, ads in search engines such as Google or other web pages, content marketing and even email marketing.

Whichever platform (s) you choose to reach your customers or prospects, consider that your content should be differentiated according to each of the engaged channels.

As this Business and Entrepreneurship material points out, today there are several types of content that you can use to reach audiences: videos, articles, infographics, ebooks, podcasts or webinars.

It all depends on the objectives of your strategy: Positioning the brand, building trust, educating people, building customer loyalty and even converting new prospects.

3. Interact With People

It is crucial that your marketing strategy considers that people no longer want to be simple consumers. If they like a brand, they want to be part of it and even create new products and services together.

And what, then, is the best way to listen to them so that, in this way, a community of people is generated that moves your brand on its own?

Among the actions that the creative marketing agency site like eventige.comindicates as the ideal ones to interact with consumers and clients, the following stand out:

  • Speak with an appropriate and empathetic tone.
  • Respond quickly to your questions.
  • Counter negative comments.
  • Send them simple, non-intrusive questions every so often.
  • Analyze the results of opening newsletters if they are used.

 All this, added to the fact of being creative to stand out among so many other brand customer services.

4. Invest In Online Advertising

When you invest money on advertising agency, in addition to improving you’re positioning in search engines or social networks, you can segment your ads according to your different target audiences.

As the Business and Entrepreneurship experts also point out, the good news about this is that online advertising is much more accessible than traditional advertising, being able to obtain positive results with a small budget.

This section includes email marketing, which is a direct channel with your customers, who explicitly agree to receive information about your brand and / or products, as long as it is not invasive, as also explained by the Doing it site.

5. Measure the Results Of Your Strategy

To close the topic, we recommend that you analyze all the aforementioned actions, not only to verify that your investment of energy and money are triggering good numbers and results, but also to realize in time in the event that any action of your strategy is failing.

To do this, you can set your own KPIs such as a growth percentage, number of clicks on a certain ad or publication, and number of visits to your website.

As the Marketing Manual for Entrepreneurs suggests, in the case of social networks, each of them offers its own information on analytics and results, although there are also tools where you can see all the data you need to see if you are obtaining the proposed objectives.


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