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Idea To MVP: Creating a Business in 60 Days With Abdul Mukati



When I came across the Idea to MVP framework created by Abdul Mukati I was skeptical about how you could create a new business from the ground up and make it successful in just 60 days. Now each person defines success differently so we laid the ground rules.

The idea to MVP Ground Rules

  1. It would be a new project, not one I had been working on for a while, or an idea I was playing around with in my mind.
  2. We would take the idea, find a name, a domain, build a landing page, a community, gather beta testers, development team, and create an MVP.
  3. The MVP would be a fully working product that actually solved real-life users’ problems.
  4. After the MVP we would scale the product to make it sustainable on its own MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue)

Now with these rules set I embarked on a journey with Abdul, I came up with almost 50 ideas that I thought were fantastic. But as we went through the framework I came to realize an issue I faced personally, email outreach. Now, this for me would seem almost impossible how do we create an email outreach SaaS product in such little time.

Basics of the Idea to MVP Framework

I’m not really allowed to say much about the framework but here are a few notes.

  1. Build out the user flow from problem to solutions and how many steps it takes to get there
  2. Find the core features needed in that user flow
  3. Break down the features into parts and ask your self what do we really need to develop here.
  4. Keep the basics aside, user profiles, billing, invoicing, team members, etc you can always leverage kits online for these.
  5. Focus on the core and find a developer to help with each part of the whole. If you break down your parts effectively you can start managing your development faster, cheaper and it seems easier as well.
  6. Understand your core market and find them online, you can see how Abdul helped KeywordBin gain 1100 users in a week

Building My First Startup using the Idea to MVP Roadmap

So what did we end up creating? 

OutreachBin – An email marketing tool created to simplify outreach email sequences, increase email deliverability and domain health, by empowering business owners, entrepreneurs, and agencies, to connect with customers through outreach campaigns.

OutreachBin Use cases:

  • Outreach Campaigns – Agencies, Sales teams, SEO’s can easily set up cold email campaigns to be sent out to prospects. The system will detect replies assigning them as hot leads to transfer to your CRM.
  • Messenger – Send a single beautifully crafted personalized email to your user list.
  • Email Warm-up – Ensure inbox delivery every time you send an email. Our automated email warm-up and domain warm-up tool keeps your email health in great shape. We send emails to over 1000 domains moving spam mail into inbox increasing your sender reputation.
  • Email Signatures – Create stunning lead generating email signatures using our easy to use visual editor

Who is Abdul Mukati

Abdul Mukati is an Entrepreneur and founder of multiple SaaS products, as well as the creator of the 60DayMVP Framework. Born in Gainsville, Flordia on September 10th, 1990. Abdul grew up chasing ideas and putting them into action. His passion is helping founders with their product roadmaps, community growth, social crowdfunding. If you have an idea you are looking to scale grab some time with Abdul Mukati.


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