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How I Created a Community from my Brand on Instagram



Brand on Instagram

Nowadays, if you are a person that knows anything about the importance of building a community, then you will know that there is no better way to get it done than through the ever-growing social media platforms.  So many people have adapted to using these platforms that it is practically impossible to find a single individual that is not engaged in at least one. Going through all the existing social media platforms would take forever and would likely need a helping hand from a marketing team such as social media agency Bali. So I am going to keep my focus on only one platform today, Instagram.  It is a social platform that has topped the charts to be amongst the best and it is with good reason. It has been at the forefront in bringing people together and a means through which people will share information. People will use such platforms for different purposes but in this article, I will take you through how I created a community from my brand on Instagram. This is going to be the most educational tip you will ever come across so I suggest you take notes. If you have any interest in building your own community through this platform then the following tips will be beyond handy.

The first and very most important step I took was to make sure I knew who exactly I wanted to be part of my community. The best thing about Instagram is that it is consistent with billions of people and out of these entire people I was sure I could not possibly luck individuals with the same brand as I did. What this meant for me was that these people will without a doubt show interest in anything I post on Instagram as well as the methods of promotion I will use. This is to say that I had already envisioned that whenever I posted something, it would be of relevance to them and they would see it. This worked perfectly as using hashtags related to my brand and searching for relevant results would lead me to everyone with the same brand as me and liking their posts automatically got me exposed to them and they would without a doubt make sure to follow me. That, ladies and gentlemen, was the first step towards growing my community on Instagram and it is guaranteed to work perfectly.

The one thing that has always helped me while socializing with people is the fact that I came to the realization that it is not healthy to have the spotlight focused only on you. If you ever want people to take part in whatever you are doing, show appreciation by making sure you show interest and share the little they are doing. The moment I started gaining a following on Instagram, people started taking note of my brand and promoting it in their own little way. This only served as a small opening to even greater potential. What I did to make sure that my community continued to grow is that whenever anyone made an effort to showcase my brand, however minimal the effort might have been, I made sure to share that with the rest of the now growing community. This helps in that when one person sees the other getting such attention they will want to be part of the same. By doing this I was paving way for even more people to come and be part of my community thus growing it tremendously.

The two skills that helped me a great deal in building a community on Instagram were observation, and the ability to want to learn. You see I was certain that as much as I wanted to build a community, there is a lot I had to learn and who is better to learn from other than the very people you want to associate with. This meant that I had to take a keen look at whatever they would post and the hashtags they would use. Just so I could not overlook any detail, as minor as it could be. Other than mare observation, I had to admit that the very people I wanted to grow a community from through my brand on Instagram could have had more exposure and experience than I did. With this realization, I made sure to take notes where necessary just to know what needed to be done. In growing a community from a brand on Instagram I learned that humility is vital.

Building a brand on Instagram can be effortless but only if you decide to view it as so and put in all the work and dedication required to get where you want to be. The one thing that had me have my head above the water all along was the lesson that it does not really matter whether you get 0 likes, always continue promoting the work of your hands as people are always watching and with time they will celebrate your wins, this time, as part of your very own community.


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