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Bio Lab Exotique helps me with my eczema and acne



Bio Lab Exotique helps me with my eczema and acne -We are so excited to bring you genuinely great news. This is not an ad or promo material this is something that is coming from the place of wanting to help our readers.

So raise your hand if you suffer from acne or skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema? As a long time sufferer, I have personally tried numerous products to relieve or at least if not to cure then help the symptoms. My sister works at a glossy magazine where she is a beauty editor so she gets sent a ton of beauty products and samples to try and then write about. Well, one of those samples that landed on her desk was a new organic brand Bio Lab Exotique which is a joint venture between Ollia Tzarina and Asghar Akhtar Khan who is an heir to Pepsi for your information. Ollia is known for being in the A-List in Los Angeles and rubbing shoulders with Beyonce.

 What caught my sister’s eye about Bio Lab Exotique is the packaging.

It’s very luxurious, very Tom Ford-esque! But the price tag is just 37 euros! And the ingredients are all about cold-pressed rare oils such as prickly pear and marula. One product that has really stood out when she started testing was the brand’s ‘ Clear Skin’, its a mix of zinc and chamomile powder that you rub on a pimple, and it literally disappears overnight!!! And naturally! No harsh chemicals, no side effects. Bio Lab Exotique produces all of their products in Morocco in a high tech lab near the Atlas Mountains. The products are all tested personally by miss Tzarina, and in her own words ‘ there is no difference between luxury products that cost 400 dollars and Bio Lab Exotique, in fact, I can see the effects, not just pretend as I have them so I don’t feel guilty of spending so much on a beauty product!’

The next product my sister tried was Bio Lab Exotique ‘ YOUTH’ potion. The brand promises to deliver visible results within 48 h and my sister said she could literally see her skin looking more plumper, and having that healthy glow about it that you get by using Instagram filters! And all that for 40 bucks and no chemicals. This was enough for me to be sold on the brand. As I said I have a little bit of eczema that has been bothering me since I was a kid.

So I started using Bio Lab Exotique oils on my flair ups, and it definitely absolutely certainly keeps the flair ups at bay and soothes skin in a very potent way, there is no redness, no itching, no unsightly marks that have been leaving me self conscious for years. As soon as I see my eczema coming through I put Bio Lab Exotique and it all gets better in a day or two. Thank me later!


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