Home Improvement

7 Warning Signs You Have a Broken Waste Water Pipe



A cast iron pipe has a life expectancy of 40 to 60 years. When they reach past their lifespan, they can become defective. This causes water damage, sewer backups, and structural damage at times.

When your waste water pipe is broken or leaking, sewer gases could enter your home. Not only do they have a foul odor, but they can cause health problems for you and your loved ones. A grave concern is the release of methane on your property, which can be life-threatening.

Sewage also contains viruses and bacteria. Sometimes it contains pesticides, fungi, and medications. When humans and pets come in contact with these contaminants, your next stop could be the emergency room.

Do not let a burst water pipe get the best of you and your property. This is a matter that requires your immediate attention. Getting a professional local plumber to fix the dilemma is the most brilliant option, but how do you know it is time to pick up the phone and schedule an appointment?

There are several telltale signs. Here are the most significant indicators to be aware of.

1. Water Is Draining Slowly

You may first notice a delay in the water going down your drain. It could be a blockage, though. If you try a snake or a cleaner, and the water is still draining slowly, it is a sign of a more severe problem.

Calcium and limescale can build up in the sewer lines for properties with hard water. It is challenging to remove on your own, so it is best to contact your local plumber in these situations.

2. The Water Bill Is Higher

When you notice a spike in your monthly bill, you may have a leaking water pipe on your hands. A broken sewer pipe will cause continuous water flow. Therefore, the meter will keep running.

Plumbing repairs like this require a professional because a sewer line is in the ground several feet. You need a local plumber who possesses special equipment to fix the issue. If you’re unsure about the state of your pipes, using advanced tools like the bluebot water management system can help monitor and alert you to unusual water usage.

3. The Yard Is Soggy

When you notice your lawn seems consistently wet, this is not normal. Something is awry, such as a leaking or burst water pipe.

Before jumping to conclusions, check your sprinkler, basement, and outside fixtures. Your local plumber can help with drainage problems, too. Options to resolve this challenge include sump pumps, backflow prevention valves, and water sensors.

If you cannot find the source of the issue, then it leaves the sewer system as a culprit. If you have iron pipes that need replacing, check out this link to learn more about CIPP pipe lining cost.

4. You Hear Gurgling

It is common to hear some gurgling in any plumbing system. However, it should not be constant. This can indicate you need more extensive plumbing repairs, including blocked and damaged pipes.

When a pipe is blocked, and the water cannot drain properly, it will release air pockets – therefore, you hear the “gurgling.” If it is small, you can try a plunger to remove what is blocking it. More significant blockage can occur from calcium deposits, grease, or tree roots, and you have a tremendous problem requiring a replacement in sections or joints.

5. A Lingering Smell of Sewage

The smell of sewage in your pipes is different from sewage outside. If you can walk outside your home and smell sewage, there is damage to your wastewater pipe. You need a local plumber to fix it and stop the sewage smell.

However, if you can smell sewage in your home, this could be because of a blockage. The smell can occur from hydrogen sulfide gas, which is toxic to your health. Do not wait to fix a problem of this magnitude.

6. Your Yard Attracts Pests

The thing about a soggy yard that smells of sewage is that it will attract pests. This includes insects, bacteria, and other animals. Sewage contains more than waste; it also contains food, so don’t be surprised if a broken sewer pipe attracts all kinds of critters.

Sewage attracts moths, flies, rats, mice, and snakes. They can be in your yard, but don’t be surprised if they decide to find a path into your house. You may not only need a local plumber, but a local pest control company, too, to help you deal with this issue.

7. Fluctuations in the Toilet Water Level

If the water level in your toilet is up or down, there are multiple reasons for this. The plumbing air vent may have a block, affecting water pressure.

Another reason could be that the position of the waste pipe that goes out of the toilet bowl is not placed correctly. Sometimes the porcelain trap is filled with material like hair. Other times the porcelain has a hairline crack, which could cause a slow internal leak.

A professional plumber will recommend that the toilet bowl water level be one to two inches below its valve. If you notice a fluctuation in the water level, it could be because of a broken sewer pipe.

When Your Waste Water Pipe Breaks

While it is never a fun situation, the faster you get it fixed, the better. You don’t want the smell attracting pests and do not want you and your loved ones to get sick. A waste water pipe is a serious matter and needs plumbing repairs immediately.

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