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5 Effective Strategies to Get Your Music Noticed



With so many talented and famous musicians around, it is not easy to make the name of oneself in the music industry. Writing lyrics, composing music, and giving a final touch to the song sounds like an easy task, but the real challenge comes when you need to promote it. The musicians begin each song is with the several questions in their mind, will I be able to make my music heard? Can my song track be the next hit in the music industry? Making music is an emotional and personal activity; therefore, sharing with others and promoting it seems like a foreign and forced concept. Unless you plan to keep it secret, it’s okay not to market it, but if you want to stand out in the music industry, then you have to sell it at any cost.

As much of a daunting task promotion appears to be internet has made it pretty easier. This, however, goes without saying your primary focus must be on creating terrific music. Even if your marketing is quintessential, if your music is not up to the mark, you will not be able to stick out. Marketing your music is essential, especially if you wish to get your name out there or you like getting recognized and famous. If you are one of those who loves attention and waiting for the time when your audience comes to you for a selfie, then it’s crucial to promote your work first. Doing nothing will not get you anywhere, and your music will stay with you only. So it’s time you take matters in your hand and follow these effective strategies of music promotion to get your music heard. Let’s make you famous!

1.Social Media Presence

As a music artist, all you want is the utmost spotlight on our work, and social media is the best source of promoting your work for free of cost. Your social media’s smart presence is undoubtedly the best way to nurture your audience and fill your gigs.  Make the best use of the pinned posts on your twitter account.

Your header is the first thing that your visitors notice when they stalk your profile, so why not take advantage of this free space? Put up a genteel and striking post to keep your visitors entertained and hooked on your profile. Apart from your gorgeous face, your Instagram stories and posts must cabaret your music talent as well. To enhance your post engagements, make sure you are making the right use of all the hashtags as they are the best source of attracting the audience. Take the full advantage of the sound cloud and other musical applications as well; put up your music videos and audios on your social media to attract the most audience.

2.Take advantage of radio

As basic and hoary the medium of communication radio is, consulting hip hop radio promotion companies like Caliboy Music is still one the best source of promoting your music. It is all about audio calls and music, and people always look for the radio jockey recommendations when they are in search of new music. Radio will help you reach a new wave of fans and maybe some fans can lead you to the sponsor of your next track as well.

Pro tip: prior to sending your song for promotion, be sure you have attained the copyright of your song and get your music registered with the right performance organization. It will help you get paid gigs, what more do we want than getting paid for something we love to do? It’s like a dream come true.

3.Blog posts

Get your music featured in the top music blog posts. The blog post reviews of your music can get you a timely and massive range of the audience. Reach out to the famous bloggers for the music review by writing them a precise yet comprehensive email. Once you have gotten it reviewed, make sure you appreciate their help and thank them for their support, as you may need their service in the future as well.

On the other hand, you can start a blog post as well. Narrate your music journey and the scuffles that you faced up till now. It will not only help you grow, but you will be able to motivate a struggling artist as well. Or maybe some renowned music artist stumble upon your post and contact you for his next duet? 

4.Do not be a musician only

The key to excelling in this world is to be a multi-tasker; being a musician alone means you have to take third party help for your promotional activities. It is a costly procedure, and you have to rely entirely on someone else for your job, which is quite risky. If you want more exposure, be more than a musician, be a writer for your blog posts, and marketer for your promotion. Being a complete package today is what gets you to the highest stage of your career.

Do not just make music, but inspire others through your music journey. Talk more about social issues and how you, as a musician, can contribute to society’s betterment. As a musician, you have a huge social responsibility. So it is advisable to take advantage of your public presence and contribute to the CSR activities.

5.Share behind the screen stories

The best way to create a hype among your fans and get instant fame is to share your backstage pictures and videos. As creepy as it sounds, fans are more interested in their favorite celebrities’ personal life than their art. So make sure you share your own but not to private or controversial stories on your social media. The musicians must realize their fans will not think for a second before canceling them if they mess up so they should a little cautious.


Access to the audience has become much easier today. However, the competition out there is pretty fierce, so make sure you develop eye-catching strategies to move up in the world.


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