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Your Partner in Delivering Successful Food




It used to be the case that few restaurants offered delivery, in part because of the expense but also because working out the logistics can be tough. The coronavirus pandemic changed all that. When people went into lockdown, restaurants across the country had to find ways to keep their doors open, and that often meant figuring out how to offer delivery options or at least curbside pickups. Third-party delivery services that offered food pickups made a killing.

The Post-Pandemic Delivery Landscape

The fact that the pandemic is over and life has gone largely back to normal doesn’t mean consumers’ expectations have reverted back to what they were before COVID upended everything. People still expect to be able to have their favorite foods delivered, and if a restaurant doesn’t offer that service, it won’t get as much business. It doesn’t matter whether it’s because the restaurant is brand-new or its staff is sick of dealing with the hassles of third-party delivery services, if you’re looking for restaurant delivery software, there are many factors to consider.

Why Offer In-House Delivery?

As anyone who has placed more than a few orders through third-party delivery services can attest, there’s no guaranteeing quality when restaurants work with outside parties to get their food to where it needs to go. The only way to do that is to keep everything in-house and hire delivery drivers who can be held accountable for their performance. Of course, that adds an extra layer of complexity to what is already a challenging environment to manage, which is why the right software solutions are so integral.

What to Look For in Restaurant Delivery Software

The most important thing is to look for a software solution that’s tailored to the restaurant industry. That’s the only way to keep things running smoothly throughout every step of the delivery process. Look for features such as:

  •  Automated dispatch to ensure fast delivery.

Integrated website templates that will be easy for customers to figure out.

A solid interface for order tracking

Built-in communication modules to make it easy to contact drivers.

Options for distance-based delivery fees.

Reporting tools that make it easy to manage cash flow.

Data collection and analysis features.

Some software providers focus on just one part of the food delivery process. Using their software often requires additional computer programs, expensive servers, and new equipment. It makes far more sense to choose a software solution that integrates all of the necessary services into one easy-to-use dashboard.

What About Restaurants With Multiple Locations?

Managing restaurants with multiple locations poses some unique challenges, especially when it comes to offering delivery. They’re certainly not insurmountable, though. The right delivery software will make it just as easy for customers to place orders and restaurants to fulfill them even if that means the food is coming from different locations throughout a city. In most cases, customers will simply be directed to choose the location closest to them when they place orders.

Don’t Get Left Behind

Whether restaurants are brand new or just new to offering local delivery services, it’s important to get every aspect of the process right. Just one poor delivery experience can send customers looking elsewhere for support, and relying on third-party companies means restaurant staff will have no control over it. The best way for restaurant owners to keep up with changing times and consumer expectations is to invest in high-quality restaurant delivery software.


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