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Yoga Nidra to improve the quality of your sleep



Yoga Nidra is also known as the sleep of the yogis. Because Nidra means sleep, and the body oscillates back and forth in a state between relaxation and twilight sleep. After meditation like this, you feel like you’ve slept for three to four hours. Therefore, Yoga NIDRA for sleep is a great way to catch up on sleep and give the body time to regenerate.

 Yoga of sleep

Yoga Nidra is often requested by people who want to improve the quality of their sleep. It allows you to enter a state of conscious sleep that is restful and regenerating. Yogic sleep is a very powerful relaxation technique, as effective as a night’s sleep, with the difference that we do not sleep (even if falling asleep is possible, as the relaxation is total). We oscillate between a state of wakefulness and sleep, a state close to that achieved in sophrology.

 The benefits of Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra offers physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual soothing. It allows better management of stress and anxiety, a step back negative emotions, better management of his thoughts (this one becoming more structured), creative and liberating energy but also a better knowledge of his body with the possibility of letting go. In the awakened state, we are in a state of control. The areas of the brain for making decisions are constantly activated. During a Nidra yoga session, we look for the opposite of this state: the objective is to no longer try to control what is happening: guided by the voice of the teacher, the brain enters a phase of semi-sleep. and find peace.

Yoga Nidra increases the level of dopamine. A study carried out in 2002 showed that the level of dopamine, also called the hormone of happiness, of the participants, increased during a session of yoga Nidra. The release of dopamine is linked to the feeling of joy, promotes concentration, sleep, and learning.

In addition, it strengthens the connection to oneself and others. When you are calm and relaxed, you are more connected to your needs and those of others.

 Improved sleep and better health

Lack of sleep leads to a decline in the immune system. It can trigger certain serious pathologies, in particular, cardiovascular disorders, and ultimately cause chronic diseases (diabetes, hypertension, etc.). In addition, it promotes states of stress and depression. When suffering from insomnia, Yoga Nidra is recommended because it allows you to recover from lack of sleep. While not a substitute for a good night’s sleep, a thirty-minute Yoga Nidra session is equivalent to a two-hour sleep cycle.

 How does it work in practice?

A Yoga Nidra session resembles a guided meditation, an inner journey acting on the whole body aimed at relaxation. It is most often practiced while lying on the ground with eyes closed in the “Savasana” position: a position lying on the back and motionless, the body is relaxed and the mind calmed. The sitting position can also be used.

The session usually begins with a few simple stretching poses. Meditation and relaxation exercises take place throughout the session to focus on the different parts of the body and then on its breathing, in order, ultimately, to consciously access the unconscious, in a state of semi-awakening, a sort of inner journey.

Once the body and mind are calmed, visualization and breathing are called in to detach yourself from negative emotions. Mantras are repeated, intentions are set. The sound environment is variable depending on the teacher: he can use different sound elements such as soft music or Tibetan bowls. Some will do their session in silence, by choice, to allow better concentration for the yogis.

Looking for offline yoga Nidra guided meditation for sleep? Download our FREE yoga Nidra for sleep at


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