Why should you use a Moisture Meter?



Moisture Meter

Many people consume grain as their source of carbohydrates. Since grain is seasonal, farmers produce it in surplus. This surplus is stored away for future use. However, you must keep the stored grain at a low moisture content to prevent it from rotting. This article will explore the moisture meter and why you should use it.

A moisture meter is a device used to measure the moisture content of grain. The meter measures the moisture content using electricity flow. A current of electricity passes through the grain, and the resistance of the flow of electricity is measured. This resistance helps determine the moisture content.

Moisture consists of water molecules that are great conductors of electricity. They allow the flow of electricity. If the moisture content in your grain is high, the current from the meter will flow freely. Similarly, if the moisture content in your grain is low, the current will not flow freely.

The flow of the current helps calculate the moisture content. If the current flows freely, then moisture is present in your grain. If the electric current does not flow, the moisture levels in the grain are low. The moisture content is a percentage.

Why use a meter?

If you own grain, you want to ensure that you extend its life for as long as possible. Among other factors, moisture content determines how long you can store your grain. The grain will not be in storage for long if the moisture content is high. The dry grain can stay in storage for a long time.

The moisture levels need to be low if you want to store your grain for a long time. If the moisture level is not at the right level, your grain may spoil.

A grain moisture meter gives you an accurate measurement of the moisture content in your grain. Accuracy is critical as the wrong measurement can lead to losses if the grain spoils.

How do you use the data from the meter?

The meter measures the moisture levels as a percentage value. You use the data from your meter to determine the moisture percentage in your grain. From the percentage measure, you decide the best course of action.

You can also use the measurement to determine the quality of your grain. If the moisture content is too high, your grain is not the best quality. 

Factors to consider when buying a meter

  1. Accuracy

When selecting a meter to buy, you must consider its accuracy. Meters with high accuracy are the best as they give you a correct measure of the moisture content. Most manufacturers test their meters before sale to see how accurate they are. 

  1. Speed

It is vital to select meters that arrive at an accurate reading within a short period. Speed is crucial when you have a large amount of grain to measure.

  1. Price

Price is another crucial factor when selecting a meter for moisture measurements. Price can help you gauge the effectiveness of the meter. A high price can mean that the meter is of quality, while a low price may mean the meter is of low quality.


A moisture meter is crucial if you deal with grain. A moisture meter helps you determine the moisture levels in your grain. The value from the measurement tells you if you can safely store your grain for a long time.


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