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Why Bath Bombs are So Popular



Bath bombs are one of the trendiest ways to indulge in self-care right now. Their relaxation power comes in almost any scent and can just about cure every ailment. If your idea of spending an evening surrounded is soothing scents, fizzy bubbles, and soaking in a warm bath, then we highly suggest you begin adding a bath bomb into your bath routine.

Relaxing in a tub is a powerful release for the human body. It is known to treat many ailments like:

  • Mental fatigue 
  • Muscle soreness
  • Symptoms of congestion
  • Soothe dry skin

You even burn calories while merely sitting in a bath and enjoying it. Baths can calm you down, and they can even wake you up, rejuvenate you. 

It is no wonder that the use of these fizzy, luscious hydration bombs is at the top of self-care trends worldwide.

With so many options and endless combinations of essential oils and fragrances that are created to provide the body with relief, where do you even start when choosing a bath bomb?

Most bath bombs come with a small bit of instruction and explanation on their paper or plastic packaging. This information lets you know which essential oils are contained in the bomb and sometimes what the bomb is the best at “treating.”

Bath Bomb Ingredients

All bath bombs have two main ingredients. The rest are up to the purpose of the bath bomb. These two main ingredients are sodium bicarbonate, or baking soda, and citric acid. Both of these ingredients can come in powder form and can be layered in different ways to make different types of bath bomb fizz. It’s quite fascinating!

Bath bombs also typically include Epsom salt. Epsom salt is what gives bath bombs their muscles relaxing power.

All bath bombs are also infused with essential oils, which gives them their mind relaxing power.

Together citric acid, sodium bicarbonate, Epsom salts, and essential oils make for an incredibly powerful home spa-like experience.

What is so Essential About it?

Essential Oils are the aromatic powerhouse that gives bath bombs their most relaxing and calming properties. Essential oils are made from distilling a scent from a plant over an amount of time using steam to extract those properties from deep within the plant. It is then reduced so it is as potent as it can be. 

Essential oils work by being inhaled and affecting the brain. Scent is a very powerful tool, more powerful than we even know.

How do Essential Oils Work?

An essential oil relaxes you by being inhaled. The scent particles in the essential oil travel up from your nose, or rather the olfactory nerves, which are tiny hairs covered in receptors inside your nostrils, directly to the brain. 

Essential oils directly impact the amygdala and the hypothalamus. The amygdala is the roundish, almond-shaped greyish matter that is located on each side of the brain. The amygdala is the emotional center of the brain. The hypothalamus is what is triggered to release certain hormones into the body.

These different essential oils can literally change the way you feel by triggering different emotions in the brain, amygdala. The amygdala is a part of the limbic system of your brain. It’s the part of your brain that deals with memories, stimulation, and emotion.

Just Drop a Bath Bomb

In conclusion, bath bombs are so popular because they yield great results, are fun, beautiful, and there are so many options to fit everyone’s needs and desires. 

You may be seeking time alone with your thoughts. You may be seeking pain relief. No matter what kind of relaxation you are seeking, bath bombs can create an avenue for you to explore calmness, those few moments of zen, and hopefully help you find that little bit of peace you were looking for.


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