Why Are There So Many Spiders in the House in Summer?



Are you curious why there are so many spiders in the house during summer?

The temperature rises, and so does the attraction of various insects and arachnids. It’s not surprising to encounter an arachnid or two at this time of year. Spider populations peak around the autumn months and shrink in the summer.

Regardless, spiders don’t cease to exist in the summer since they’re more active. There are those recluses, too.

Nevertheless, spiders will always seek refuge in your home—just be ready to react. Keep reading to learn more about this issue and have a plan of action ready.

Spiders in the House and the Heat

There are a few reasons for more spiders in houses during summer. For one, it is cooler inside homes than outside, so spiders (and other insects) seek refuge from the heat. Spiders are cold-blooded, so they are more active when it’s warm.

Your Home Is a Hunting Ground

Spiders are attracted to your home because it’s full of their favorite food: insects! Insects are generally more active during the summer, so there is more for spiders to eat.

Spiders are attracted to areas that offer seclusion and access to prey, and your home likely provides both of those things. Mosquitoes, ants, bugs, and bees are some of the insects that may invade your home- and these are spider food!

So, if you have a bigger insect problem during the summer in your home, you may also have more spiders. While having more spiders in the house may be unpleasant, there are many benefits to having them around, such as controlling other insect populations.

But what if insects become too much to handle? You may want to call your exterminator to help you using their state-of-the-art pest elimination.

Your Home Is Their Honeymoon Destination

Spiders are more active during the summer months in terms of reproduction, so there are more spiders around in general. Spiders in summer want to mate, and your home is the perfect place to do it.

In this season, spiders hatch and mature. They also seek a safe place to build their nests and lay their eggs. 

How to Deal With Spiders

To understand how to get rid of spiders in the house, you must understand the answer to the question, “How do spiders get in the house?”

You have to prevent spiders from entering the house. In addition, homes are typically more open during the summer, with doors and windows left open for ventilation. This gives spiders an easy way to enter your home and set up shop.

If you find yourself overrun with spiders, take preventative measures to keep them out.

Seal cracks or openings around your home and use screens on doors and windows. Keep your windows and doors shut, especially at night. And if things get too much, call in pest control.

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