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Making a living from your passion isn’t impossible, you can turn an ordinary hobby into a lucrative business. But while it’s easier said than done, making your dreams a reality is a ton of hard work, years and dedication.

That’s exactly what George Morales did, he is the camera behind what once was one of the YouTubes most controversial influencers Steven Fernandez better known for his stage “Baby Scumbag” or “Lil Cloud”. Morales also was known by his Instagram handle “DroppinHammerz” has turned his love for skateboard filming into a multimillion-dollar business along with Steven Fernandez. Documenting everything they did on a day to day basis and uploading it all to YouTube, literally turning every click on their channel to liquid gold. Bringing in all kinds of corporate sponsorship for both Morales and Fernandez.

One thing that is certain is that it didn’t come easy. Morales says “It was about a whole year of literal blood, sweat and tears”. He tells us that there were so many times the duo wanted to stop, and just hang it all up, but their drive for success never let them quit.

Morales has been filming skateboarding well over 10 years, he partnered with Fernandez when the two met do to a mutual friend. They instantly clicked and created videos and content every day, none stop for about a year before they finally caught there first big break. The two filmed a video “How To Get Girls” which was featured on the platform Worldstar Hip-Hop which reached over a million views. Morales says “We uploaded the video to our YouTube channel after a day of filming, the next day waking up to Facebook tags of our video being featured on Worldstar, it was such a feeling of accomplishment”.

Morales has since then reached a total of 42 million views on Fernandez’s channel, filming over 90% of the videos featured on the channel. A huge milestone for what started off as a hobby filming skits and skateboarding. Morales also has been the creative director behind Steven Fernandez whole image, helping manage his social media, business contracts, tours and so on. Being in this position Morales tells us he’s had to learn to take on many different roles as a young entrepreneur. Since then Morales has helped manage the likes of social media influencer Yulema Ramirez, and also creating an apparel brand with business partners called Rose Love Co.\

This is definitely a time to not give up on your dreams and stay motivated. We are in a new age of social media influences, the internet is such a huge platform to go viral, and one thing we certainly learned is that going viral can equal big bucks. You don’t need a PHD or to be a brain surgeon to learn how to manage your own social media. All it takes is a camera phone, free editing app and boom there you go. We challenge you to try and succeed with your hobbies, make your dreams a reality and don’t stop your passion for whatever it is you do.

For more info about George Morales aka “DroppinHammerz” check out his social media and work below


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