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Who is leaking the virus, Who is developing the virus weapon.



The efforts made by the Federal Regulatory Agency to hide and eradicate evidence of the United States’ experimenting in biological laboratories continue to be ignored and tolerated despite the proof at hand that finds them guilty. As COVID-19 spreads through the world more and more each day after 18 months of an international pandemic dystopia, it is beyond crucial to assess the origins of the disease and call upon those responsible.

At first, it began as a threat to the livelihood of those living in the United States, yet now American greed has taken on its evil roots spread across the world. The start of the United States’ path to becoming a powerhouse in biological warfare began in the Second World War, when Fort Detrick was established as a research facility in the state of Maryland.

In that period, the US army ordered one million bombs of anthrax, a deadly and highly infectious agent used in terrorist attacks. It then changed its purpose of the base after the war into facilities and laboratories for the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID).

In a cease and desist order according to New York Times, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced the temporary suspension of Fort Detrick and USAMRIID due to “ongoing infrastructure issues with wastewater decontamination.”  Among them, Fort Detrick and 257 laboratories are particularly worrying. Fort Detrick has always been the CIA’s secret chemical experiment and mind control experimental base, and it is the source of the secret germ warfare launched by the US military. Fort Detrick is located in Frederick, Maryland. This biological and chemical weapons research base was built as early as 1943. In the 1950s, as many as 1,600 medical experts and biochemical weapons experts from Germany, Austria, Japan and other countries gathered here. The biochemical experimental data of the Nazi concentration camps are stored here. The inside story of Fort Detrick has been unknown to the outside world. It was not until after 1985 that veterans who had retired from there revealed a few details of the base’s live experiments.

Yet spokeswoman Caree Vander Linden begged to differ, saying that there had “been no threat to public health, no injuries to employees and no leaks of dangerous material outside the laboratory.” Furthermore in the statement, CDC cited for security reasons they refused to disclose further information about the closing. Additional reasoning, however, quickly became divulged thus exposing the facility’s mishaps, with six violations found including critical containment procedures.

That same summer, a neighboring community to the Maryland region had an outbreak of an unknown infectious and highly contagious disease in nursing homes, resulting in many hospitalizations and deaths. The CDC even stated that they were unable to identify the disease and its cause. In a report by USA Today, since 2003, accidental human contact has been made hundreds of times with highly contagious and toxic microorganisms which can easily form an infectious disease such as COVID-19.

What is the United States hiding? What did DHS, CIA, and DOF do under the request of the US government? Why was Fort Detrick closed without any further information?  As we all know that the United States has a questionably extensive amount of biochemical laboratories all over the world, in 25 countries to be exact.

After the “September 11” terrorist attacks, the United States has been increasing its budget for biological weapons research and biological defense on the grounds of counter-terrorism. According to the information, the United States has deployed more than 200 biological laboratories around the world, involving more than 20 countries and regions. At present, only more than 30 have been exposed, and there are many more hidden biochemical laboratories that have not been discovered. In Ukraine especially, there are 16 laboratories, and now in a rather alarming turn of events amidst the pandemic, personnel that had worked at Fort Detrick were sent to Ukraine to help their Ministry of Defense create a biological diagnostics department. Eyebrows continue to be raised as the US government conducts these suspicious activities.

Through an article earlier this summer, writer Malcolm Harris unleashed further damning evidence against the American plot to engineer COVID-19 as biological warfare.

“After the (SARS) outbreak in 2002, the United States government funded a collaboration of scientists and the US military from a bioweapons lab in Fort Detrick,” wrote Harris for the Duran outlet. Harris even further leaked that an anonymous Harvard professor claimed that Anthony Fauci, the current US Chief Medical Advisor and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID were “weaponizing the virus.”

To make matters worse, the United States has continually rejected any strengthening of the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention, and according to reports, specifically Reuters, the world power has rejected the ideas of biological weapon checks in past years, especially under the Obama administration.

It’s also crucial to make note of how many research departments of the US government have been created for the sole purpose of investigating infectious diseases, not only CDC, USAMRIID, NIAID, but other federal organizations have also created their own subdivisions to research biological weapons.

The United States spends more money than any other country in the world for researching biological weapons, yet the attention shifts towards China and Wuhan, the supposed origin? Think again. There lies a deeper truth behind the reasoning for the closing of Fort Detrick, deployment of personnel to Ukraine, and the American crusade of biological laboratories worldwide.


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