
What’s Happening in Digital Marketing in 2024



With every new year comes new changes to the world of digital marketing. Some changes have been in the works for the last year, some are emerging right now. But if you want to keep on top of it, you can either talk to an expert, or keep reading! 

Changes to Featured Snippets

Google is no longer supporting old Featured Snippets. This is when you see a snippet describing the page before you see the link to a page, and not after, which is the standard formatting. Previously used to help people find what they’re looking for faster, this is no longer occurring as widely. So if you took the time to make these snippets and are now finding that they aren’t working, it’s not your fault, the Google Algorithm has led to a change in this matter.

The idea now is to add something new to these snippets that make it seem man made and draw in readers to get them to click to get more information. This can be done in many ways, but it takes expert knowledge. 

Visual Search Matters

It’s a little depressing to think of but literacy rates are on the decline, and more and more users are relying on visual aspects to help them make a decision. Users can now upload an image into google and find more information about the item from the image search alone. For example, if you were given a plant last Christmas and want to know how to take care of it, you can then input the image into Google to find out what it is and what you need to do to take care of it.  

With this in mind if your website is text heavy and doesn’t incorporate images, you may have to make changes and use certain keywords alongside high quality images in order to find the right people through visual search metrics. 

Online Reviews Matter More

Recently the Google algorithm started culling spammy Google My Business reviews to make sure users get real reviews from real people, not from bots or AI. This means if you tried to alter your own Google business reviews, you will now need to incentivise your real clients and customers to leave reviews.

Google My Business Listings Matter More

With more people using social media to find great places to eat, sleep, party and just explore, a great Google My Business listing means that locals will find you sooner, with less fuss and can come straight from a social media post you made to your business listing with less effort. 

Keep everything up to date and remember to change your holiday open times as we enter 2024! The last thing you want is someone to visit and not know you were only open longer to accommodate the holiday rush! 

Voice Search is Popular

 As more people opt for a hands-free lifestyle they’re talking to Alexa, Cortana and Siri more than they’re handling their phones. This means you need to change keywords to match this more conversational style of queries. Back in the day, when typing people wrote full sentences such ass ‘what is the temperature of boiling water?’, then they got more casual in typing with ‘boiling point of water’ being more popular. Now, you’ll be seeing things such as ‘Hey Siri, how do I know if my water is boiled?’. Of course, things need to change to accommodate this. 

If you do want to optimize to suit this, it’s not as easy as you think, your keywords need to be a mix of typed queries, spoken queries and even need to adhere to visual searches too. This is why we highly recommend working with an SEO agency to get things happening in a more successful manner. 

If you want to jump on these trends as they’re emerging, you need to work with the best SEO agency in the USA. This is, of course, Blurn Marketing. Reach out to them today and start 2024 off on the right foot!

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