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What To Do After Getting a Bone Fracture



Bone Fracture

Most fractures cause intense pain, which worsens when you touch or move the injured part. Suppose you are unsure whether you have a fracture. In that case, you should contact the Mid Atlantic Orthopedic Associates, LLP team because they offer comprehensive care for fractures East Brunswick to restore mobility and alleviate pain in the injured area.

What is a bone fracture?

A fracture refers to a complete or partial break in your bone, lengthwise, crosswise, or several pieces. Bone fractures often occur when your bone comes into contact with high pressure, causing it to shatter. Fractures can occur in any bone, but your legs, hip, spine, and arms are more vulnerable. Mid Atlantic Orthopedic Associates, LLP offers medical care for the following types of fractures:

·                     Oblique

An oblique fracture occurs when you break a bone at an angle and often occurs in long bones like the tibia or femur. In most cases, your physician may recommend surgery to correct the fracture.

·                     Open

An open fracture is a severe injury where your fractured bone is exposed to the environment due to high-energy trauma.

·                     Stable

A stable fracture is a clean form of structure where your broken bone ends remain in alignment. This type of fracture may not necessarily require surgical intervention.

All fractures need professional care, making it crucial to identify fracture symptoms and visit Mid Atlantic Orthopedic Associates, LLP, to avoid exacerbating the injury.

How can you know if you have a bone fracture?

Your symptoms may vary according to the location of your fracture, severity, general health, and age. However, some of the symptoms you are likely to experience include excruciating pain, bruising, inability to move the injured part, unusual protrusion, and warmth on the injured area. In severe cases, you may experience nausea, lightheadedness, or dizziness. Some fractures may, however, not cause obvious symptoms. For instance, stress fractures which occur due to repeated cracks in your bone resulting from stress, rarely cause any immediate symptoms. These fractures gradually weaken your bone, contributing to long-term problems.

How can your doctor diagnose fractures?

During your appointment at Mid Atlantic Orthopedic Associates, LLP, your provider may inquire about the cause of your fracture and review your health history and current symptoms. The team may then conduct a comprehensive physical exam to determine the severity of your fracture. They may order MRI, CT scan, or X-ray to assess your fracture and reach an accurate diagnosis.

How can you repair a fracture?

A fracture may take several weeks to heal, but the pain may subside before completing your healing process. Bone healing mostly depends on your body’s natural healing powers, and the medications only ensure future optimal function. Your doctor first immobilizes the injured place with a cast, brace, or splint during your treatment. If you have a complex fracture, you may need surgery. The orthopedic surgeon may use pins, screws, and plates to align your bone as it heals. Your doctor may recommend specialized care for a nonunion fracture, including bone grafting and ultrasound therapy.

If you suspect a fracture, call the Mid Atlantic Orthopedic Associates, LLP office or book an appointment online.


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