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What They Did Not Tell You About Sleep Apnea



Do you know that sleep is equally important as a healthy diet? For wholesome health, you need a goodnight’s sleep. Therefore, if you are not sleeping as recommended, you expose yourself to various health issues. Pain and stress can keep you from sleeping. However, sleep apnea is a dangerous condition that can make you dread sleep. Chase Dental Sleepcare specialists will treat you if you have sleep apnea symptoms and help you get the sleep you have been missing. Therefore in this article, you will learn astonishing facts about sleep apnea.

·         Did You Know That You Can Develop Sleep Adverse Brain

Do you know that most sleep apnea people go undiagnosed and treated throughout their lifetime? If you have had sleep apnea and are not considered seeing a doctor, you can develop a sleep adverse brain. Once you are asleep, the airway becomes obstructed, and your brain responds by waking you up so you can breathe. So you will find every night you will wake up several times to gasp for air. With time, the brain becomes conditioned to keep you from sleeping because sleep makes your body lack enough oxygen because of sleep apnea. Therefore, you will find that you have insomnia where you cannot fall asleep at night.

·         It Severely Shortens Your Life

Sleep apnea is a dangerous condition that, if left untreated, shortens your life. When you cannot breathe during sleep, your body does not have sufficient oxygen. Deprivation of oxygen can cause a low heartbeat. You can suffocate, and if no one recognizes that you are not breathing in good time, you will lose your life. Also, if the brain becomes conditioned to recognize insufficient oxygen, your body reacts to establish a balance every time. The body releases the release of trigger hormones and sugars. With time, you discover you have Type 2 diabetes because the body releases too much insulin. Besides diabetes, you run the risk of suffering from life-threatening cardiovascular diseases.

·         It Poses A danger To You and Others

Because of sleep apnea, you can have irregular sleeping or insomnia. Your inability to sleep during the night will cause you to experience sleepiness during the day. If you drive yourself and fall asleep, you become a hazard to yourself and others using the road. You will cause an accident because you cannot control the vehicle. The accident can cost your life and the life of other road users. Also, if you function in a production site where you have to control machines, you can fall asleep and forget about the machine. The machine will either overheat or produce undesired quantities and quality goods. You can also get injured by the same machine.

Millions of people suffer from sleep apnea, making it important to see a doctor if you snore or have irregular sleeping during the night. The Chase Dental Sleepcare facility purely deals with the sleep disorders such as sleep apnea. If you are experiencing trouble sleeping, book an appointment today before too late.


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