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What is The Least Damaging Hairstyle Nowadays?



There is a saying that revolves around that everything that is now old can become new again soon. So, all the old hairstyles are also new in the modern world, especially when it comes to least damaging hair styles. So, here are a few of the hairstyles that you can make and get your perfect look while saving your hair from excessive heat and other damages. So, without further ado let’s get started with our amazing least damaging hair styles in the list.

1. Low Bun

A low bun is a basic yet stylish and low-maintenance hairdo that you should attempt. Also, braid the ponytail before making the bun to add body. This is one the least damaging and amazing hairstyles that you can get fast and easily without much effort. Want to know my hack of making a messy low bun? I use the JuvaBun messy bun hairpiece, make a plain low bun and then attach my messy bun hair piece. It looks like I took hours making my hair, but it actually just takes seconds! 

2. High Messed-Up Bun

This hairstyle is ideal for individuals with long hair, is simple to produce, and is appropriate for both at-home and informal outings with friends. Simply pull your hair up on your head and bind it loosely with a scrunchie or bobby pins to get this look. This hairstyle is easy to make and your hair will not get damaged unless you pull your hair really tight which might add tension and make you experience hair loss.

3. Dual Low Buns/Dual High Buns

Dual low buns are a flexible hairstyle that works well with straight, wavy, or curly hair. Not to add, this adorable design will keep your ends protected for a day or two in between washes. Part your hair into two equal parts and tie two buns on the nape of your neck to get the look. If you want to try something different with your double buns, you can wear them on top of your head as high buns or “space buns.”  This hairstyle is easy to wear and you can save your hair from damage. If you remember Princess Leia from Star Wars then you guess what this hairstyle will look like.

4. A Half Bun

The beautiful thing about half bun styles is that they are simple to produce and look amazing on all hair kinds and lengths! The bun may be worn at the top of your head, at the crown of your head, or towards the nape of your neck; each position results in a distinct appearance! To get this style, divide your hair into two sections at your temples and tie the top portion into a bun. You may also drastically change the style by slightly altering your part. Then you can use a volume enhancer and setting spray to set your bun completely.

5. A Low Ponytail

A high and tight ponytail tugs on your hair strands and follicles, causing undue stress on your roots and scalp. As a result, a low, loose ponytail is a preferable option for relieving the stress on your hair.  It’s also one of those styles that will never go out of fashion! Tie a ribbon bow around the scrunchie to spice up your low ponytail.

6. Half-Loose Braid

As previously said, relaxed styles are ideal for preventing stress and damage to your hair. Aside from a low ponytail, a half braid is another casual style that works nicely (a braid that stops at the midsection of your hair). This design may be worn as a plain braid or as a French braid and is one of the easiest and simplest designs. This design does not damage your hair and keeps it tension free so you can wear it without any issues.

7. Pigtails Braided

Pigtails are a variant on conventional braids that may be made by sectioning your hair into two equal pieces and braiding twin braids on opposing sides of your head. This hairstyle is helpful for preserving hair when resting as well as being a non-damaging haircut. These are great and one of the most in demand hairstyles that will definitely make you look cute throughout the day.

8. Basic Braid

Finally, consider a classic design that can be made for formal occasions, the office, or just lounging in the house; yes! This style is the simple side braid. Simply toss your hair to one side and apply a basic three-strand braid to get the look. Side braids are also a terrific alternative for a wet hairstyle if you have naturally wavy, curly, or frizzy hair since they keep the hair from becoming extra dry and airy as it dries.

Finally, hydrate your hair on a daily basis.  Even with a non-damaging hairstyle, your hair may be vulnerable to dryness. That is why it is essential to hydrate your hair on a regular basis. You may do this by co-washing (skipping shampoo and simply using conditioner) or by utilizing regular deep conditioning treatments and a leave-in conditioner. Hydration can help you out with everyday hair issues. So, I guess now you know which hairstyles will suit you the most if you want less damage to your hair.


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