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What is Super Digital Marketing or Online Marketing? Find out how to boost your brand with this strategy-1



The term Online Marketing or digital marketing has become very popular in recent years. But more than one “fashion” refers to a concept that has become a key tool for the growth and success of brands.

 What is online marketing?

 Online Marketing is the application of digital technologies that form online channels to contribute to marketing activities aimed at achieving profitable acquisition and retention of consumers.

In other words, online marketing is a system for selling products and services to a selected audience that uses the Internet and online business services.

This is done using tools and services strategically and consistent with the company’s general marketing program.

 You may also be interested in reading about 5 Online Marketing Tools You May Not Know

In Online Marketing there are four key points that are very important and that must be ensured for compliance before the launch of any web campaign :

1. Usability: It is the efficiency with which the user is offered the service or information that it requires. Any website focused on online marketing strategies must be highly usable, that is, its design is intuitive enough so that from a child to an elderly person there are no problems browsing said website.

2. Interface: A properly designed interface allows us to highlight the new and relevant content for the user in a clear way and without extravagances within the website. By implementing an attractive interface, users are more attracted to the product or information to be transmitted.

3. Search engines: They are in charge of ordering the information that exists on the Internet. To advertise through an inquiry engine there are two systems: SEO and SEM. The first refers to organic or natural positioning and the second is based on the results obtained when making a payment. The latter is additionally referred to as PPC or sponsored links).

4. Promotion: Promoting a company together with its products and services is a key factor in growing your company. This can be done through the exclusive Internet channels: Email Marketing, E-advertising (Banners), Social media marketing (Blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.).

 How Online Marketing was born

In the 90’s the first version of the Internet emerged, a little different from what we know today: the so-called Web 1.0.

That old Internet did not actively allow users to interact with web pages but allowed them to find information in a simple search system.

It was like a library you went into, found what you wanted, but couldn’t alter the content you found.

In this primitive moment of the Internet the term “Digital Marketing” was created.

However, it was still very similar to traditional marketing, as the communication was one-sided, made by the company on an institutional site, and the consumer only received the content passively, without close interaction between the two parties.

In 1993, Internet users began to engage more closely with companies that advertised on the web, as around this time the first clickable advertisements emerged.

However, it was only until 2000 that digital marketing became more like what we know today.

The advent of Web 2.0 allowed anyone to become a content producer, making the flow of digital communication more democratic.

There is research pointing to other changes in the network, even after the revolution of the 2000s. Those changes are what they now call Web 3.0 and even 4.0, but that is another day’s business.

The point now is that digital marketing, also known as “Online Marketing”, “Internet Marketing” or “Web marketing”, has already evolved a lot since its inception.

Today he is moving more and more towards personalization, that is, delivering the right message to the right person at the right time.

 Main concepts of Digital Marketing

Just as each specialization has its specificities, digital marketing is a universe on its own terms. Before we begin, let’s go through each of those main concepts.


Unlike traditional strategies, Digital Marketing works with the concept of people, who are semi-fictional profiles, based on their real consumers, and who represent their ideal buyer.

Thus, you can create more segmented actions directed at the right people, saving time and money.


Leads are business opportunities, that is, the contacts that, through an Inbound Marketing strategy, leave their key information so that you can identify potential customers and nurture them with relevant content until they are ready to buy.

 Sales Funnel or Pipeline

This concept represents the stages a user goes through before becoming a customer of a company. The sales pipeline or funnel is usually divided into three stages:

• Attraction: at this moment the user begins to reflect on the problem they have and begins to search for information on the Internet to clarify their doubts;

• Consideration: here the potential customer already knows what problem they have, but they want to find the best solution to solve it and they still don’t know if this will be a product or service;

• Decision: at this stage, the solution is already defined and it is up to the user to choose which company will be the one to deliver the best product or service for their need.

Landing page

They are the lead capture pages, 100% focused on collecting relevant information from users.

The idea is that on landing pages you offer valuable content or material and in return, the most interested visitors leave their contact information and, with that, become leads.


SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the optimization of your site so that it is understood by search engines.

These are actions that contribute to improving the positioning potential of your pages and content, helping you meet the main requirements of search platforms such as Google and Bing.


Calls to Action or CTA, are the buttons or calls that lead to action that users must comply with when visiting a page so that they continue in the flow of your sales funnel and arrive at the time of purchase prepared for consumption.


Conversion is the term used to represent the process of attracting users to your contact base and getting them to the bottom of the sales funnel.

The goal of conversion optimization is to discover where conversions are not being properly leveraged within a blog or website. And the best way to do this is to analyze data and perform tests that indicate points of improvement.


When we talk about segmentation in Digital Marketing, we are referring to one of the most important and efficient tools available to spread a message to a portion of the audience that has very specific characteristics.

The segmentation allows you to customize campaigns and provides an approach to impact those potential consumers that look like the brand.

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

The CAC, or Cost of Acquisition of Clients, is a numerical data that indicates the money that a company has to invest to get a new client.

This data is present in almost any area of ​​the marketing team of a company. Since, since a user enters through the funnel, the purchase is nurtured and executed, costs accumulate for this to be possible.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

The focus of companies, especially since the growing popularity of Marketing 3.0, is to improve their relationship and customer service.

The CRM management or customer relationship is software designed to manage and control all aspects related to the contact with potential customers to ensure their satisfaction and, in turn, encourage loyalty.

Its main benefits are:

  • saves a lot of time when managing contact data;
  • provides personalized attention to each of your clients;
  • provides specific data to create solutions tailored to customer needs.

Content Management System (CMS)

The CMS, or content management system, is a super necessary tool for those who have a web page – such as a blog, online store – to administer it, organize it and have full control of its publications and content.

A CMS allows you to perform many tasks, from a single platform to simplify your life.

The main benefits are:

  • develop a website and keep it updated;
  • add new content to it when necessary;
  • apply SEO optimization techniques;
  • image optimization, keywords and more – to generate more organic traffic;
  • create several projects with different objectives – like a blog and a virtual store at the same time;
  • increase page load speed;
  • lower costs for updating and maintaining the website, among others.

All this contributes and favors the user experience, at the same time that it provides various resources for the effectiveness of your strategies.


The engagement in Online Marketing can be translated as the level of identification and emotional connection with customers and prospects with a product or service.

It can be measured according to the moments or places where there is an interaction between users and the company. This serves to:

  • determine the quality of interaction between the brand and the audience;
  • understand what products or content they like to see;
  • measure the level of identification they feel with some materials;
  • have user feedbacks for the brand.


Customer loyalty is all those actions and strategies that seek to provoke, through marketing practices, that customers return to consuming products and services that they have already purchased.

This has multiple benefits in addition to the evident increase in the company’s sales, such as:

  • retain customers;
  • lower customer acquisition costs;
  • obtain more resources to cover expenses or generate new business opportunities;
  • become an authority in the area;
  • get loyalty customer data to be more competitive;
  • that users become brand ambassadors and propagators.

All this is possible thanks to loyalty strategies and programs that, in addition to offering quality products and services, seek to reward customers and give them unconditional support.

Growth Hacking

Making a literal translation of the term it can be said that Growth Hacking is equivalent to “learning growth habits” and is an increasingly necessary concept for Digital Marketing in general.

It can be said that the main intention of Growth Hacking is to find ways to develop business. And it is that this refers more to a group mentality than to a specific strategy or practice.

However, to apply it correctly, special attention must be paid to 3 main points:

  • creativity;
  • automation;
  • experimentation with data analysis.


The Key Performance Indicators or key performance indicators are metrics on various actions and areas, to identify the effectiveness of a strategy or action in Digital Marketing.

It is very common to see that professionals think that any metric is a KPI. And the reality is that it is not. The KPIs are relevant indicators for your business and your goals.

There are different types of KPIs, according to their level of importance. For example:

  • Primary: leads, CAC, conversion rate, total income, traffic, among others.
  • Secondary: cost of each lead in the different stages of the sales funnel, subscribers to a blog, recurring visitors, cost per visitor, and subscribers of a newsletter.
  • Practical: bounce rate, page views, Pagerank, most searched keywords, most read content, and more.

Link Building

The Link Building is a set of techniques and practices to generate links on external websites. Its objective is to contribute to the SEO positioning of a site within the search engines.

In fact, the links that drive traffic to your website are known as backlinks and each of them tells search engines that your site or content has valuable material regarding a keyword and this favors uploading positions. on Google, for example.


The return on investment or Return of Investment is a mathematical formula that helps to visualize the profitability that can be caused after an action, strategy, campaign, or any investment of resources or money that is made.

This calculation is very simple to do, in fact, the only thing necessary to carry out this operation and know the percentage of return on investment is: (Profit ($) – Investment ($) / Total investment) x 100%.

However, ROI is used to calculate the profitability of many things, for example:

  • social networks (sales, customers, among others);
  • specific content;
  • from a blog (money to be generated by visits);
  • web page (visits, clients, conversions, among others).

Responsive Design

The Design Responsive is the ability of a website to adapt or displayed to users regardless of the device they are using. That is, the page is available to be used regardless of the size of the screen or the characteristics of the device.

The possibilities of Responsive Design allow you to be available for:

  • mobile web (site for mobile devices only);
  • apps;
  • responsive web (a single website that adapts to several screens without altering its structure).


In Digital Marketing, virality is the ability of content, spread on the Internet, to share or receive many visits in a short period of time.

The power of virality is infinite since it allows reaching from thousands of people to billions. This is a golden opportunity to generate business opportunities or to promote a brand and increase your visibility on the Internet.


Nutrition Flow

It is a Marketing automation process where a user action is a trigger for an email message flow, with the aim of helping your visitor walk through the sales funnel.

What are the benefits of online marketing?

Surely you already realize how much digital has changed, to the point of making marketing better for both companies and consumers.

There are several advantages that can represent the economy for both, in addition to strengthening relations between the public and brands.

1. Interactivity

One of the main reasons why Digital Marketing is increasingly adopted compared to traditional channels, especially offline, its interactivity with the public.

The focus is no longer on the product but on the user experience on their shopping journey.

Companies do campaigns, publications, and actions, and on the other hand, consumers can interact, comment and indicate other people with just a few clicks, increasing engagement with brands, just as the demands of the public.

Therefore, it is increasingly necessary to speak to the audience.

2. Analysis and measurement

Imagine the world in the 1960s, when the business model of marketing and advertising agencies was taking off.

In this period, there were few methods of measuring the effectiveness of ad campaigns and targeted ads.

We can say that, until the advent of the Internet, a lot of money was wasted on inefficient actions.

In the end, if you cannot measure whether a customer was convinced by your marketing activities to buy a product or service, it is difficult to say that your strategy was effective.

In the world of online marketing, obtaining and analyzing data is a fundamental process for the continuous improvement of a strategy.

Happily, today absolutely everything must have a proven return. Metrics such as Return on Investment (ROI) and Cost of Customer Acquisition (CAC) can and should be analyzed in real-time.

Thus, companies can quickly identify flaws by putting optimizations into practice, which could not be imagined recently.

3. Greater reach to the target audience

In addition to all that, the literal decrease in the distances between companies and customers has been a fairly positive factor.

In the end, small brands today can do good campaigns and attract consumers from across the city, the country, and the world.

With this, consumers earn because they have more opportunities to meet companies with which they identify.

The same goes for companies that can create a good online position, increasing their sales opportunities through various channels.

4. Customization and precision

Many people may think “I’m going to be able to talk to as many people as possible” and yes, that’s very good!

But one of the great differentials of Digital Marketing is that companies are now able to take action to attract and win the right people. That is, those that really have the ideal profile to consume their products and services.

That’s a great benefit for two reasons:

  • resource economy, because with segmentation you stop spending a lot of money with people who have no interest in your products and services;
  • greater knowledge of your audience, which makes you specialize more and more in conquering it.

5. Low operating costs

One of the most attractive attributes of Digital Marketing is that due to its multiple characteristics such as segmentation, channel diversity, different content, and more, it is an activity that does not need multimillion-dollar investments – such as traditional marketing, for example – to give good results.

When we talk about traditional marketing actions, such as posters or outdoor advertising, any company that intends to establish itself, gain authority, and spread its message needs, yes or yes, to have a presence in many physical places with banners or another type of advertisement.

Digital Marketing has many media that manage to transmit a message to millions of people, with just one blog post, on social media, or through an email marketing campaign.

6. Flexibility

One of the most significant differences that Digital Marketing has with respect to the traditional one is its flexibility when it comes to adjusting or adapting strategies better.

On the Internet, being up-to-date can be the big difference between being seen or going unnoticed. Thanks precisely to this, the contents of a blog, the contact forms, and even the pages within your website can be modified to your liking and disposition.

This allows you to quickly adapt to the needs and tastes of your target audience, and offer you more satisfying and personalized materials and experiences.

7. Competitiveness

A few years ago, competition within the realm of advertising and marketing was very uneven. The great ones easily beat the little ones thanks to their influence and money. But this has changed and we give thanks for it.

A well thought out and designed Digital Marketing strategy, based on real data on the segments of the public that you want to impact, tends to produce positive results, no matter how big or small the company.

For example, good SEO optimization gives you the real possibility to climb the SERPs and become the authority on a subject in a place where there are millions of daily users and it doesn’t matter if it is a millionaire organization or a personal blog.

This allows melee to compete with large companies in the market, conquer spaces in complicated turns, and lead any business to good levels of turnover or positioning.

8. Customer retention

Another of the most relevant and attractive advantages of Digital Marketing is the possibility of collecting thousands of data about customers, through different automation tools, to build loyalty and become an authority.

This allows us to effectively nurture the relationship with the customer in the post-sale stage and increase the possibility that this user will return and continue shopping.

After all, if a customer is able to reapply for the services of a company or buy their products, the CAC will go down, and of course, the costs as well. Which is very positive for the business.

internet marketing, technology, and advertising concept. Chart with keywords and icons on white background

What Digital Marketing strategies are there?

The increasing processing power of computers and Internet infrastructure has not translated into a universe of possibilities. Just think about the volume and quality of content currently available, most of it free.

Today, if I ask Google anything, there are great opportunities to receive a satisfactory answer.

And that answer will be in some content produced by a website. Isn’t it simple and at the same time fantastic?

Following this logic, websites that contain many good responses have more opportunities to attract the public and, consequently, win more customers, increase their brand perception, and know more and more about consumer behavior.

But, if the Internet has infinite possibilities, how can I know that I am making the right decision? Don’t worry, now you will know what is new in terms of Digital Marketing strategies.

Inbound Marketing

Inbound Marketing is synonymous with attraction marketing, being one of the main stars of digital transformation. When creating an Inbound strategy, your goal is to be found by people.

In Inbound Marketing, companies seek to understand the ailments and problems of consumers in order to immediately establish a channel of communication with them, with the intention of offering a solution to their wishes and needs.

Today, the Internet is full of tools to search, discover the interests of the public, and publish materials that satisfy them.

When that is put into practice continuously, you create your audience, generating a constant communication channel with it. In other words, the company talks to its audience, not only sends messages.

Consequently, your posts become sought after by more and more people. Through this communication, it is possible to understand the increasingly specific interests of the public and move forward to serve them.

Understand everything about Inbound Marketing in our free guide:

Currently, the main way to get people to you is by creating content, that is, offering relevant information that solves real problems and is widely accessible.

We give this strategy the name of Content Marketing, which we will address below:

Content marketing

Consumers are daily searching for solutions on the Internet, and, most of the time, that journey begins with search engines.

Content Marketing aims to position your brand in the right place and time on the shopping day to offer the best solutions.

Therefore, Content Marketing is the strategic process of publishing relevant and valuable materials and information, in order to attract, convert, and charm the audience.

Mistakes that can destroy your online marketing strategy

Just as there are some keys to make your marketing strategy a success, there are some mistakes that you should avoid making at all costs as they could sink you into the mud. Let’s look at 5 of the most common mistakes that companies tend to make:

  • Response time: ideally, it takes the least time possible to respond to customers. There is nothing that angers the consumer more than getting no response from the other party. So, if for any reason we cannot respond quickly, it is best to reply with “we are reviewing your request” or “you will receive a response shortly.”
  • Don’t try to please everyone: not always having the largest number of customers can be beneficial. Ask yourself the following question: who do you want to reach?
  • Hide information: it is best to be as transparent as possible because, naturally, customers want to know everything about the company they are going to spend their money on.
  • Think that the strategy is forever: this happens to most companies. The strategy that you propose does not have to be definitive. The key to achieving the established goals is to make all the possible changes in our strategy because this way we will see what works for us and what does not.
  • Forget mobile marketing:  who doesn’t have a mobile today? There are currently millions of smartphones in Spain. It is increasingly common to buy directly from the mobile so do not forget to adapt your website for all formats.

Do you want to delve into what are the most common mistakes in an online marketing strategy? So, you have to see this video where Bruno Vázquez Rodero analyzes you which are the 30 most common errors.



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