What is fear?



It’s critical to differentiate between anxiety, a universal sensation felt by all people, and anxiety disorders. Your body’s natural reaction to stimuli is normal anxiety. Worrying over a test or how you’ll pay your mortgage if you lose your job are two examples.

When anxiety is extreme, ongoing, and crippling, it develops into a disorder.  People who suffer from generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) are afflicted by constant concern that is frequently excessive compared to what the situation truly justifies. It’s anxiety about anxiety, an unwillingness to unwind or let go of the anxiety.

It is quite draining, and I can say that from personal experience.

My head can be a really absurd place. Worst-case scenarios frequently pop up in my head and I have to fight them off. There are some things that shouldn’t worry me up yet do, causing me to completely shut down.

Want to laugh heartily? Watch as I browse the cosmetics section in search of a new face wash and attempt to make a selection.

Anxiety Disorder Types

Unfortunately, this illness comes with worry for a lot of people. There are so many varieties, and you probably have more than one! If you will, consider mental illnesses as the Baskin-Robbins of food.

1 Disorder of Social Anxiety

According to the definition, this is “an excessive fear of humiliation or embarrassment in social situations, which frequently results in significant avoidance behaviors.” It’s not being timid.

For some reason, self-proclaimed lifestyle experts have started to treat social anxiety as the “it” condition, yet most of them are doing it completely wrong.

Please realize that this illness extends beyond a general unease with social situations. It is a crippling worry that affects individuals who experience it daily and need counseling to manage.

2. Disorder of generalized anxiety

The mental condition known as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is defined by a persistent feeling of concern and fear that interferes with day-to-day activities. Those who have generalized anxiety disorder may feel anxious, distressed, or agitated without any apparent cause; this type of anxiety is known as “free floating anxiety” by psychiatrists.

The phrase “free-floating anxiety” almost sounds tranquil, don’t you think? The irony, ah!

I have this one, and although leading a very regular life, I continually rely on helpful tools and coping mechanisms to control the persistent anxiety in my thoughts. The worst part is that most of us are aware that our worries are unwarranted, yet we just can’t seem to find a way to permanently turn them off.

3. Panic Disorder

Also me, albeit not quite as badly as many others. Attacks caused by panic or anxiety fall under this illness. Visualize Randall from This Is Us.

The common misconception regarding these attacks is that they frequently aren’t brought on by any particular circumstance. Hollywood versions frequently go like this: a person is in a tense position, sweat beads start to gather on their heads, and they are suddenly forced to breathe into a bag.

Panic attacks happen at random. I’ve had my attacks while wandering around the mall or lazily reading my email. They have no pattern or purpose, which causes many patients to worry unceasingly that an attack may happen at any moment.

It is crucial to emphasize once more that while everyone suffers stress from traumatic events, not everyone develops PTSD.

Similar to the most of anxiety disorders, the length of the symptoms and how much they interfere with everyday living are often what distinguish a natural, emotional response to an incident from an actual disease.

And none of it is meant to minimize the very real and excruciating feelings and experiences we go through on a daily basis. Each of us has experienced extreme sadness, agony, and worry. Just to be clear, not all strong feelings may be classified as disorders—and in all honesty, you should prefer it that way. Disorders are bad.)

1. Genetics

Our mental health is still (at least in part) influenced by our DNA in the continuing nature vs. nurture debate. Absolute bummer, but that’s the way things are.

Clinical research has demonstrated that between 30 and 67% of anxiety disorders are caused by hereditary factors. Because of this, your doctor will inquire as to whether anxiety or mental health problems run in your family.

2. Parental Conduct

You may be more prone to having anxiety problems if you were raised in a home where your parents interacted with you in a very controlled manner.

An higher likelihood of anxiety disorders is also associated with parents who exhibited nervous behaviors around their kids or rejected them.

3. Going through stressful life events or long-term stress

While some level of stress is inevitable in everyday life, chronic stress is not, and it can result in more severe anxiety disorders. Examples of this include, but are not limited to, physical or emotional abuse, child neglect, parent loss, bullying, and social exclusion.

We need to pay attention and begin tackling these issues with the seriousness they demand in light of the rise of social media, online bullying, and the increasing number of cases of young people and children committing suicide.

Be not disheartened!

Although it takes time and is difficult, you will start to notice progress. Anyone trying to offer you a “5 Easy Steps to Beat Depression Today!” is full of trash since mental health issues do not resolve themselves over night.

If you put in the effort, you WILL become better. In a month or two, you’ll wake up and realize that you’re beginning to understand things a little better.

Recovery is not a linear process. You’ll have both excellent and terrible mental health days. The objective is to provide you with the resources you require to handle these ups and downs in better methods that won’t jeopardize your wellness more.

Helpful Resources


Rehab For Mental Health


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