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What does a Digital Marketing Agency do?



As we said in a previous article, digital marketing (whether by the way in Peru is not a career and only a specialization, diploma or master) is the application of traditional marketing strategies to digital media, ie all the techniques of the offline world are imitated and translated into a new world, the online world, characterized by important attributes: The first is that it is personalized, as it allows you to make a marketing tailored. Each Internet user receives or is suggested information about what they are interested in and what they have previously searched for or defined among their preferences. We give you exactly what you want and put it at your fingertips waiting for you to take it. In this way, it is easier to achieve a higher conversion rate (not necessarily a sale) in the online world than in the traditional world.

The other point is that it is massive. With very little money you can reach a lot of people through tools such as sponsored links, social networks or search engine Mensa Marketing. Therefore, investments will be better defined and the conversion rate will also be higher. At this point, however, it is pointed out that the proposal, when reaching so many people, has to be effective and attractive. It will be worthless to reach so many people and be economic if the majority of potential users are going to reject it. Therefore, the risk margin is minimal and therefore the strategy must be comprehensive, functional and creative. The latter puts on the agenda the qualities that digital marketing must possess, concentrated in four points or 4F (flow, functionality, feedback, and loyalty).

Flow: the user must feel attracted by the interactivity generated by the site in order to capture the attention and not leave it on the first page.

Functionality: navigability has to be intuitive and easy for the user, here, usability takes on special relevance in this concept.

Feedback: there must be interactivity with the internaut to build a relationship with him. The perception it receives and the consequent reputation it achieves are the keys to gaining trust; to do so, it is necessary to be humble, empathetic, transparent and sincere.

Loyalty: once the relationship with the Internet user is established, it must be strengthened and continued over time.

In short, a digital strategy must include all the relevant spaces where the target interacts, seeking to influence opinions, improve the results of search engines, and analyze the information that these media provide to optimize the performance of the actions taken.

What does a digital marketing agency do?

creative staff digital marketing agency

The Creative Staff Team, Digital Marketing Agency

A digital agency is responsible for creating strategies, managing content, disseminating messages, listening and responding to users to improve the dissemination and perception of brands, publishing dynamic and entertaining digital content that achieves user participation. It is also in charge of aligning commercial objectives, creating content on digital platforms that generate interaction and conversation, thus creating a stimulus to foster an emotional bond between brand and users.

Because of all the functions explained, digital creative agencies always have experts and specialists in different areas, whether in programming, user experience, digital marketing, as well as designers, editors and even film and video makers, or animators. Otherwise, any proposal would be unfeasible for not having adequate human capital and trained not only in the academic aspect but also in that of experience. And this is very important because only trained agencies understand the high implications of digital marketing and new market trends as say agencia marketing digital.

For example, social network marketing will be more mobile. Today, social media marketing is expected to advance with the mobile phone revolution, not only in terms of optimizing portal pages and social media for mobile viewing but also in generating content and other real-time information specifically for mobile phone users. Digital marketing agencies today focus on creating and posting more content through their social networking channels, but also on creating real-time content that is relevant and highly useful to their target audiences.

Digital marketing agencies, on the other hand, also stand out for preparing content to be increasingly visual. They integrate into their texts graphic elements and images that are more effective in attracting the attention of target audiences.

Digital marketing agencies, on the other hand, also stand out for preparing content to be increasingly visual. They integrate into their texts graphic elements and images that are more effective in attracting the attention of objective audiences. They use more and more video advertising, as this is in itself a powerful element of network marketing to attract the attention of target audiences. They also underpin the value of brands by directing business relationships and user interest, such as contests, brand exposure, customer engagement levels, and business promotions.

Today, digital marketing is absolutely essential, as it faces the challenge of taking advantage of the universe of digital consumers we have become. The influence of the virtual world is so powerful, that we all communicate, buy, sell, learn, teach, search for products and services on the net, and if we are all on the net, connected and communicated, then it is clear: there must be companies and brands. At Staff Creativa we know this, which is why we make available to the market the experience and capacity of our work team, capable of inserting the name of your company at the top of the virtual ladder. We know how to do it. Give us the opportunity.


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