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What Difference Can Windows Cloud Made in Your Business



A few months ago, in 2020, things were different from today’s priorities. Everything got changed, including the working style of companies. The companies that used to work from the office are now working from home—many Windows PC workstations like Maja. Cloud-A virtual desktop is helping the companies in this regard by Windows Cloud. These Virtual Desktops play a significant part in having safe access to their data and programs.

Let’s talk about how these workstations are helping people out the others!

An Overview of Windows Cloud

The days are gone when you used to install Windows server systems locally; now, the “cloud” has made its way. The global corporation Microsoft has launched the Windows Cloud. This Windows Cloud is based on the Azure Virtual Desktop and Microsoft Azure. 

The Virtual Desktops like Maja. Cloud offers a lot of benefits to their users due to Windows Cloud. Now have a look at the benefits of Microsoft Cloud!

        I.            Availability

The Windows Clouds are available 24/7 via Virtual Desktops. The reliable Virtual Desktops are mostly known for 99.998 percent accuracy, like Maja.Cloud. Their main goal is to make it possible that you can access your data anytime.

     II.            Flexibility

The Windows Cloud offers flexibility as you are free to work from anywhere, from your office, home office, while traveling, or any other place.

   III.            Hardware Flexibility

Most Virtual Desktops can easily work with collaboration with any device like PC, smartphone, or tablet. 

   IV.            Cost-Effective

The Virtual Desktops cost less than the physical ones, as you don’t need to keep an eye on the material maintenance and equipment. 

Time to Choose Best Virtual Desktop 

There are many companies offering cloud computing services to you, but the one that stands out from the crowd is Maja. Cloud. The cloud computing platforms allow the running of various in-house apps automatically. Their virtual cloud can operate all types of Microsoft applications like operating systems. If you are already using Microsoft Cloud, Microsoft Azure Cloud, Microsoft Office 365, or OneDive, think about moving to Maja. Cloud, where you don’t need to install windows.

This German Cloud Service is available for you to test the Office and Windows systems like Windows 10 to enjoy their services for 60 months without any cost. With Windows PC, e-mail addresses, Office applications, and of course, online storage from this German Cloud Service.

This Windows Cloud service has reasonable pricing, and of course, you can talk to them to create an individual offer specially for your company; doesn’t it sound interesting?

But, of course, being an owner or employee of a company, you’ll be aware of the fact that for the large systems like Exchange Online, Windows 10, and most probably with Azure, you have to book very expensive large packages that sometimes you may don’t need for the long run, and you end up wasting your money.

But no worries, Maja. Cloud has something special for the smaller companies so that everyone can enjoy this marvelous blessing.


Modern problems require modern solutions, so to have your Virtual Desktop. It can put you at ease, and you can work from anywhere without necessarily be in your office. So don’t waste much time overthinking and contact today, Maja.Cloud and enjoy your personal Windows Cloud!


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