What Are the Different Types of Plastic Surgery Procedures?



You dream of having a fit body, a confidence boost to go with it, or to complete your transition to womanhood. Plastic surgery is no longer the realm of the rich, famous, or vain anymore.

Affordable plastic surgery’s popularity has risen over the years, with a whopping 1.56 million procedures performed last year.

If you’re enamored by the idea of plastic surgery but don’t know where to begin, don’t fret!

Read on for a list of different types of plastic surgery and how they can help you walk down the path to your best self.

Understanding the Basics of Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is a popular option to help individuals achieve the look they desire. Understanding the basics of plastic surgery is key. This way, you can make an informed and confident choice about what type of procedures are best for you.

There are many other specialized types of plastic surgery that can help patients achieve the look they desire—leading to improved confidence and satisfaction with one’s appearance.

Breaking Down the Different Types of Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is a broad field that encompasses a range of procedural types. There are four main categories of plastic surgery procedures. Reconstructive, cosmetic, microsurgery, and hand and craniofacial.

Reconstructive Plastic Surgery

Reconstructive plastic surgery is a type of plastic surgery that aims to restore or improve an individual’s form and function. This is done by repairing, replacing, or reconstructing damaged tissues or organs.

Reconstructive plastic surgery is often seen as a medical necessity because it improves the patient’s quality of life. This allows patients to carry out basic daily routines and activities.

The main goal of reconstructive plastic surgery is to restore a person’s damaged or missing body parts. Common procedures used in reconstructive plastic surgery include breast reconstruction after a mastectomy. It can also include scar revisions, hand and facial reconstruction, and cleft lip and palate repair.

Reconstructive plastic surgery will improve a person’s appearance and functional abilities. At the same time, they maintain their dignity and self-confidence.

Cosmetic Plastic Surgery

Cosmetic plastic surgery involves procedures designed to improve the aesthetic appearance of a person.

Common procedures include tummy tuck by Dr. Lampert and blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery). These can enhance a person’s look and self-confidence.

Liposuction, breast augmentation, and rhinoplasty (nose reshaping) are also popular and effective options. Facelifts and brow lifts help reverse the signs of aging. Injectables such as Botox, fillers, and Kybella can cut the appearance of wrinkles. Other innovative procedures, like fat grafting, can assist with fillers or even reshape body parts.

For patients who want to improve their look, some noninvasive procedures, such as laser skin resurfacing, are a great option.

Cosmetic plastic surgery is becoming popular. There are many options for achieving attractive results without going under the knife.


Microsurgery is a type of plastic surgery which involves the transfer of tissue between two different parts of the body. This will reconnect nerves, blood vessels, or other structures.

This type of surgery is most often seen in reconstructive surgery where the procedure may be used to repair an injury to the nerves, muscles, or ligaments.

The microsurgical techniques employed must use tiny and precise surgical instruments. This type of surgery also often has a higher success rate than traditional procedures. Meaning it can help provide the best possible results.

As microsurgical techniques continue to grow, they are being employed in more complex procedures, such as facial reconstruction, breast reduction, and even heart and kidney transplantation.

Hand and Craniofacial Surgery

Hand and craniofacial plastic surgery is an advanced branch of plastic surgery. This requires specialized training and experience in performing reconstructive and cosmetic surgical procedures.

This type of surgery focuses on restoring function and appearance to the hands, face, and neck. Procedures for hands may include tendon repairs or joint replacement. Tissue grafts and skin grafting can also be done.

Craniofacial surgery involves both reconstructive and cosmetic surgeries. These include facial skeletal reconstruction, or operative correction. Other common procedures include rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, otoplasty, and laser skin resurfacing. Facial trauma reconstruction and aesthetic facial plastic surgery are also included.

Hand and craniofacial surgery is a very sensitive field of work. This surgery requires extreme attention to detail and precision. Careful consideration should be taken when selecting a surgeon who is experienced and qualified in this field.

Common Risks of Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery can bring about desired changes and increase confidence. But there are risks associated with all plastic surgery procedures.

Possible risks associated with plastic surgery may include infection, excessive bleeding, seroma, asymmetry, and unintended results.

Other potential risks include temporary or permanent nerve damage. Scarring and unwanted changes in skin pigmentation can happen. Numbing of the skin, and loss of sensation in the affected area can also be experienced.

Exploring Noninvasive Plastic Surgery Alternatives

Plastic surgery has become popular in recent years, and there are many different procedures available. Noninvasive procedures are becoming popular due to improved outcome and little to no recovery time.

They include laser skin treatments, Botox, and injectable fillers. These procedures can help people enhance their appearance.

They all involve minimal or no incisions and are often completed in the doctor’s office. Noninvasive plastic surgery is a great alternative to traditional plastic surgery. It can give people the same results without any downtime or pain.

Be Comfortable in Your Own Skin

In conclusion, plastic surgery can reshape and enhance one’s physical appearance. Any patient considering plastic surgery should research the different types of plastic surgery. This is to make sure it is right for them.

Or, they can speak to a plastic surgeon who can help them make the best decisions. This can help them achieve their desired aesthetic result. Why not reach out and take the steps today to make that a reality?

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