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5 vital steps for dental hygiene



We all want the perfect pearly whites. But whether it be for the sake of vanity, or for dental health, it is important that we cater to the wellbeing of our teeth.

Unless dental health is prioritized, gum diseases will ensue. Cavities and caries will become common. In worst cases, teeth might also fall out. People will not have to wait for old age for dentures, they will need implants sooner rather than later.

However, these dreadful scenarios can be avoided if the dental hygiene principles are followed. Not only are they very easy to incorporate but rewarding as well. The only caveat is knowing what to do!

How to ensure dental hygiene

Knowing how to care for your teeth is vital for ensuring dental hygiene. Alongside getting regular checkups from your Dentist in Lahore, it is also vital to practice the following dental hygiene principles.

1 Brush Properly

Regular brushing is crucial for maintaining the health of your teeth. It helps in removing the bacteria from the teeth, that eats at the enamel and can otherwise lead to cavities in the teeth. Brushing also helps with getting rid of bad breath alongside facilitating the removal of the layer of plaque accumulated as well.

Thus, to steer clear of gum diseases and turning people away, it is imperative that you brush your teeth, twice a day. Make sure that you do not skimp on the nighttime brushing routine.

However, the way you brush is also important. Brushing is not merely a back-and-forth motion but the way you brush is just as important, if not more so. Makes sure to reach all the way to your molars. Also, brush in circular motion so that the bacteria and plaque are sloughed off.

As you brush your teeth, do not neglect your tongue. Plaque buildup on the tongue is just as possible and problematic. Moreover, unclean tongue also contributes towards bad breath as well. So, gently clean your tongue with brush.

Your choice of brush is also vital. The ones with softer bristles can reach places, as it is more flexible. The shape and size of the brush needs to be appropriate as well. Also, do not retain the toothbrush for eons. It is good to change your toothbrush after 3-4 months, even sooner if the bristles begin to fray at the edges.

2 Pay attention to the toothpaste

Choice of toothpaste pays a pivotal role for the health of your teeth. It is important that your toothpaste has sufficient fluoride content, which helps to prevent, and even reverse, caries. Fluoride also protects your teeth against decay.

So, rather than opting for toothpastes with whitening effects and your favorite flavor, go for the one with high fluoride content.

3 Floss, floss, floss

Even though most people are conscientious about brushing their teeth, flossing still gets neglected. However, both are equally important for the dental hygiene. Floss is able to get into the space between the teeth that gets neglected by the brush.

Not only then floss helps to dislodge the particles stuck in the teeth, but also is effective for stimulating blood supply to the gums. It is also beneficial for reducing plaque and lowering inflammation in the mouth.

Floss not only comes in a threadlike structure, but there are aids like Floss holders and piks, and thus is very convenient to use.

4 Diet

Just like diet is important for reducing the risk of physical ailments, it also plays a part in ensuring better oral health.

In this endeavor, make sure that you drink sufficient water. Drink it especially after meals, so that the sticky and acidic foods are washed out from the mouth. Instead of the mushy and processed food, opt for crunchy fresh fruits and vegetables.

Similarly, avoid sugary foods. The bacteria in the mouth feed onto the sugar, and thus proliferate. Moreover, sugar is also converted to acid in the mouth. It then eats away at the enamel of the teeth, leading to cavities. Likewise, caffeinated products are also not good for the teeth.

They are acidic in nature, and the end result is endangered enamel of the teeth. Compounds containing tobacco are harmful as well as they stain the teeth.

Thus, it is best to refrain from these unhealthy compounds. If you end up using these nonetheless, make sure that you brush your teeth afterwards.

5 Introducing, mouthwash

Another vital step for ensuring good dental hygiene is using mouthwash. It helps in getting rid of bacteria in the mouth. Mouthwash is also useful for preventing the buildup of plaque in the oral cavity. It also alters the pH of the mouth, reducing the effect of the harmful acid in the mouth.

Since mouthwash helps in reaching the hard-to-get places in the oral cavity, when used in tandem with brush and floss, it ensures that your teeth remain disease free and healthy.

Mouthwash with fluoride presents as the best option, since this ingredient is vital for healthy teeth. But it is best that you consult your Dentist in Karachi for the recommendation on the choice of mouthwash.


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