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Vegan Protein Powder for Athletes and Sports Enthusiasts



Vegan Protein Powder

Are you a vegan or a vegetarian athlete thinking of building muscle mass but is having a difficult time due to the lack of protein in your diet? Maybe you are a sports enthusiast who would like to improve your overall muscular and digestive functioning, but your current set of food sources needs more supplements. Fret no more because vegan protein powder is here to help you with your lifestyle goal. This supplementary addition to your diet is gluten-free, grain-free, and has better taste and texture than its counterparts.

Benefits of plant-based protein powder

Plant-based protein powders have been scientifically proven to match the benefits provided by whey protein when it comes to muscle enlargement and post-workout recovery. It has just as much amount of branched-chain amino acids, which are essential for building lean muscles.

Aside from its help in muscle building capacity, plant-based protein powder is great for weight control. It can easily make you feel fuller, thus reducing your desire to eat more. It can also sustain you for up to six hours so you can cut back on your caloric intake.

Additionally, since it is made from plants, it also has lower calories and higher fiber content, which would surely help you reduce your fat mass and body weight.

What to look for

When it comes to buying vegan protein powder, the most important requirement to look for in a product is a label that says NSF Certified for Sports. This label is much needed for athletes as this mark certifies that the product does not contain substances that may be illegal for competition. It also proves that the product you are taking has no toxins harmful to your health. Since plants are grown on the soil, there might be a chance that they might carry harmful chemicals like lead and arsenic. As such, getting a product with a certified label ensures that your protein powder is safe for regular consumption.

Another consideration when buying plant-based powder is its protein content. Ideally, it would be best if you do not settle for a product with less than 20g of protein content per scoop. To build body mass, you should pack your drink with an adequate amount of amino acids. It would also be helpful if you get the naturally-flavored ones. Unlike whey protein, plant-based powder has a more neutral taste, so added flavor might not be necessary.

Aside from sugar, you should also avoid fatty ingredients like creamer or vegetable oil in your protein powder. While they add to the taste, you do not need extra fat content when you are building muscles, so check out the ingredients first before getting your powdered drink. It also goes without saying that you should exclude products with casein if you are really into a vegan lifestyle since it has milk content.

When to take your protein powder

Nutritionists suggest that it is best to take your protein powder upon waking up for optimal effect. Drinking it after waking up ensures that your body will not break down your muscles for energy. It will also prepare your body for your workout of routine.

It is also advisable that you take it within sixty minutes after your workout. Doing so would greatly help in the repair and recovery of your muscles so that you can reach your bodybuilding goals in no time.

Plant-based protein powder is indeed a great supplement for athletes and sports enthusiasts. It is a safe, effective, and delicious product that can help you attain your health goals without sacrificing your vegan or vegetarian lifestyle.


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