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Use Google Docs to Edit and Share Documents in the Cloud



What is Google Docs?

Google Docs is Google’s version of a word processing system that is completely cloud-based. Google offers this product for free to anyone with one of the slowest Internet connections. It works great with Google’s hard drive too, as you can imagine. Google Docs also has very strong sharing and workgroup features that make it easy to team up with others. Even if those people are on the other side of the world.

Google Docs is a simple word processor and spreadsheet that allows the creation and editing of documents. These documents are stored in the cloud (ie online) and can only be accessed with an Internet connection.

In Google Docs, documents can be shared with other users and allows editing by those who share such access to the document. It is only necessary to have a gmail account to use this service.

Google Docs Features:

It’s free

One of the advantages of Google Docs is that it does not have any type of cost, and at the moment it does not include advertising.

No installation

Google Docs does not require the installation of any specific program. It is only necessary to subscribe to the service and have an internet connection.

Information availability

With Google Docs, all documents are stored on Google’s servers. This allows users not to have to save documents on storage devices (USB, hard drives, CDs, pen drives, etc.)

Less use of computer resources

By not storing the information within the memory of the computer, it saves a lot of space.

Frequent updates

Google Docs is constantly updated to improve functionality and correct stability errors. These updates do not depend on the user, nor should the user perform any type of action, as they are automatic.


Documents saved in Google Docs can be easily and easily exported and downloaded.

Group work

Since Google Docs allows one or more users to work on the same document, it facilitates teamwork at the student or professional level.

File organization

Google Docs has a methodology for organizing documents and dividing them into folders for easy use. Some of its functions include the ability to create folders, share documents (or hide them), highlight certain documents, etc.

File import

This word processor in the cloud allows you to import text files from any computer as long as it is prepared by Microsoft Office or Open Office.

Change notifications

In Google Docs you can create alerts through which if one of the users makes a change to a document, then the rest are notified. You can also create notification rules.


One of those features that people wish had is the ability to add google docs background image.


The first method of making the list is to use Microsoft Word to get the job done and then import the file into Google Docs. Of course, this requires you to have access to Word in some form, be it a copy of Word or an Office Online subscription. If you don’t have one of those at your disposal, then you won’t be able to use this method.

1. You want to start making the document in Google Docs with all the text and whatever else you want the final document to have

2. After having made your document in Docs, you need to make a new Word document in your version of the program

3. Next, copy the content of your Google Docs document and paste it into the new Word document

4. You can also save the Google Docs file as a .docx file, which may actually work better, just by clicking

5. If you choose this way, you will open the .docx file in Word

6. Select Insert, then Image from the toolbar at the top of the page

7. Now, choose your image in the file dialog and then choose Insert

8. You should see the image you chose in the Word document now

9. The next step is to right click on the image and choose Wrap Text and then In Front of Text

10. You have to do it because Google Docs does not support the text option behind the page

11. Now, save the Word file and close the program

12. You have to go back to Google Docs and click on File, and Open

13. Next, you will choose the Upload option and choose the file that you just saved in Word

14. You will then select Image Options to open the image options menu

15. In this window you need to move the Transparency slider to make the image more transparent so that you can see the text under it, and there you have it



You can create documents online and share it with your friends.

You can select who to share your documents with and restrict access by giving them some permissions that the application allows you to do, such as: only view, only comment or only edit documents in Google.

You will not worry about saving the document every moment, since in Google Docs the documents are saved automatically, you only need to assign a name and that’s it.

It has a wide variety of add-ons to install for free, which can facilitate the development of some tasks that you want to insert into your document. For example, you can install a plugin that allows you to insert equations and diagrams making work much easier, as well as these there are many other plugins that will help you save time.


To make use of Google Docs or Google documents as it is called in Spanish, you must have a Gmail account that allows you to access the Google Drive service within your Google account.

Google Docs tools are basic if we compare it with the Microsoft Word program, which are more complete.


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