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7 Experts Tips From UnicornGoTo Take Your Online Content Marketing To The Next Level



1.         Focus On Quality Over Quantity

Businesses are churning out lots of content. As such, the online market is a crowded and noisy place in which you put in significant effort to stand out and be noticed. That means producing the best content, rivaling the competition.

But creating excellent content can take a back seat when you have other essential things to do. So,  make the most of the little time you get to produce the content to market your business to ensure you put your best foot forward and produce your best work. It is better to post one piece each month than several low-quality articles each week. The resources at your disposal often determine how often you will post the new content.

2.         All Content Is Deliberate

Many of us do not write because we love it; we do it out of necessity. Therefore, a strategic production process should entail robust research to identify the best search terms. Plan your content curation accordingly as you also aim for keywords that help gain a high ranking.

Moreover, do assessment tests, running a search engine optimization report to determine how your site ranks for those keywords. Consider creating fresh content with keywords your website didn’t rank for to ensure it features in the top 10 search results. Also, do your best to focus on the search terms people use and base to topics for your content on them.

3.         Have A Content Plan And Calendar

Your strategic content marketing’s success is dependent on having a concrete plan, which entails an elaborate content creation and posting calendar. It is a matter of documenting your strategy. Research shows that taking this approach increases the chances of success by as much as 33%. So, the content plan shapes the material you will produce and post on your website. Therefore, it is a strategy that includes:

•           Knowing and understanding the target audience’s needs and expectations

•           Identify the content to create

•           Determining the categories to write about

•           Planning how often to create new articles or posts

•           Identifying where to distribute and promote your content

•           Determining which content will be evergreen (timeless) thus the cornerstone

Your calendar can consist of a list of topics and the dates you must publish the articles. Alternatively, it can have the media to wish to use and monthly themes. Also, schedule a content audit, particularly before you start writing and periodically after a few weeks to know what to update, replace, or erase. You can perhaps benefit from unlimited content writing.

4.         Vary Your Media And Content Types

Content that captures people’s attention is a blend of great writing and visuals. That is how you will churn out content worth sharing on your social media networks. Many small businesses today are less into writing their thoughts. They prefer recording them and passing the audio to a writer to curate promotional materials.

For the audio and visual content, keep things short but educational and entertaining. Also, do things to ensure you can repurpose the material into different content types to share them across various social platforms. To achieve this, it is best to consider your audience’s needs to ensure what you deliver makes sense to them. Some of the elements that are worth noting when doing this include:

•           Determine each blog post’s tenure in educating the audience about a specific topic

•           Podcasts of interviews with experts in complementary sectors and industries

•           Curated guides that customers can use to solve problems

•           Videos of how your service or product works and the solutions it provides

•           Assessments and quizzes to help the audience identify and solve challenges

The diversity in the content you provide will help keep people interested in what you share or say. Moreover, this goes in tandem with identifying the right content to post regarding a problem that people need to be solved. In short, it should provide what the target audience needs and expects.

5.         Tell Stories

Everyone loves stories; however, how it is told is crucial to how receptive people are to the story. Therefore, hone your tale-telling skills. It is not about fictitious or fairy tales. But you most like have something to say if you are a veteran in your industry. Accomplished professionals such as financial planners, lawyers, and even CPAs can turn their learning experiences into exciting stories. They can form case studies from the same stories and used them to help others resolve problems.

It is easy to tell a story that makes emotional connects or is a source of motivation and helps build trust. You can cover aspects of why you chose a specific solution to address a particular problem and share this with your customers.

6.         Include Calls To Action

At times, people need a slight nudge in the right direction; to be encouraged to act. That is why it is best to have a call-to-action plan that will help elicit a fast response. It can be an invitation for your audience to do something such as sign up for your newsletters, watch a video, download helpful material, or learn more about what you have to offer.

Call-to-action (CTA) is an essential element in any content marketing strategy. However, CTAs often vary depending on the industry. That is why you cannot use a random CTA picked from another sector. What you use must match your content’s objective. For instance, if an article discusses determining if you have roof damage after a storm, you can use a call-to-action that includes a free roof inspection.

7.         Leverage Your Email

Getting your content online is not all about your website and social media network. It also must include your email. Build an email list so that you can have CTAs prompting people to registers and get extra content. It is an approach that ensures you reach out to the most interested customers, your subscribers.

A customer email list is a safe bet when it comes to leveraging your email for content marketing. It can be a tool you use to ensure your customers do not forget you or your business. You can achieve this by sending them helpful tips, newsletters, and special offers regularly. It is a tactic that also can see your customers buy more.


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