Understanding and Coping with Grief and Loss in Therapy



It’s estimated that one in eight people will experience a significant episode of grief or loss in their lifetime. For some, the impact is so great that it can lead to major depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and even suicide. If you’re struggling with grief, you’re not alone. Here are some things you should know about grief and how therapy can help.

Grief is a process, not an event

Grief is a process that we undergo after facing a loss, and it looks different for everyone. It can be difficult to navigate the seemingly endless waves of emotions, from sadness and loneliness to anger and guilt. Online counselling can help you on your journey; providing the valuable and necessary space for you to explore your emotions and create more manageable ways of dealing with your grief. Taking the first step towards seeking help is often the hardest, but once you decide you’re ready, there is plenty of support out there to assist in your healing journey. Remember that grieving isn’t something you have to do alone!

There are no right or wrong ways to grieve

Grieving is a uniquely personal experience, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution to going through it. Everyone will experience it in their own way and for many different reasons, giving them an individual approach that works best for them. Contrary to popular belief, grieving does not have to take a strict timeline or shape; instead, it can be done however the individual desires—with rituals that may or may not be traditional. It doesn’t matter if you set up a memorial in your home, pour one out on the night of the anniversary of someone’s death, or if you do something completely off-the-wall. No idea or method when it comes to mourning should be judged because everyone has the right to grieve however they need to in order to learn from the experience and ultimately find peace with what has happened.

The stages of grief are not linear

Grief is often portrayed as a linear process with five distinct stages, but this is an oversimplification. In reality, grief is rarely, if ever, that straightforward. Our individual experiences of grief and mourning vary significantly and the transition between the stages of denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance can be both unpredictable and non-linear. It is important for us to understand grief as a journey rather than an event so that we can acknowledge our feelings as they come up, accept our experience and make space for ourselves to heal.

Grief can be triggered by many things

Grief is a natural emotion that can be triggered for a number of reasons, such as the death of a loved one, divorce, loss of job, or end of an important relationship. Grief can bring about feelings of sadness, loneliness, or hopelessness that can make it difficult to function in everyday life. It’s important to know that these feelings are normal and there are many ways to help manage the pain. Whether it’s talking to someone you trust, writing down your thoughts or memories related to the event that triggered your grief, journaling regularly, attending therapy sessions, or taking time out of your day just to focus on yourself – don’t be afraid to reach out and use resources that will help you cope and heal.

It’s important to find support during grief and loss

Grief and loss can be incredibly difficult to deal with, but it’s so important to find support along the way. Whether you choose to talk to an online support group, a friend or family member, or even a professional caregiver, having someone to help you cope with your emotions during this challenging time can make all the difference. More than anything else, hearing that it’s ok to grieve your loss and express emotions can be invaluable to help reach acceptance and start healing. Everyone grieves differently, so try out different methods of support until you find what works best for you.

Therapy can help you understand and cope with your grief

Grief can feel like a heavy weight on your heart, making it hard to move forward. Therapy can help lighten that load. In therapy sessions, you explore the source of your grief and develop healthy ways to cope. With the help of an experienced therapist, you are better able to find understanding and make sense of your experience. You can even reflect on relationships and current life situations without feeling overwhelmed or immobilized by the grief. Allowing yourself a supportive space to process feelings of sadness, guilt, or fear helps you take back control and creates a foundation for healing.


Grief is something that touches us all at some point in our lives. And while it’s not easy, it is possible to get through it with the support of others. If you or someone you know is struggling with grief, keep these points in mind and consider seeking out therapy. It can make a world of difference.


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