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Types of Hearing Loss



Types of Hearing Loss

Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with hearing loss?

It should be easy to understand your friends and family members when they’re talking to you. But if you’re having trouble with that, you might have a form of hearing loss.

Keep reading to learn about different types of hearing loss.

Sensorineural Hearing Loss

This type of hearing_loss is permanent and the most common cause of hearing loss among adults. In sensorineural hearing loss, there is a problem in the sensory cells or the nerve pathway from the inner ear to the brain, causing a reduction in sound sensitivity and causing sounds to be distorted or unclear.

Common causes of sensorineural hearing_loss are aging, exposure to loud noise, diseases such as meningitis or tumors, genetic factors, or physical trauma. Common symptoms of sensorineural hearing_loss include difficulties in hearing different types of sounds, such as whispers or low tones, difficulty understanding speech, and hearing an echo in a quiet environment.

There are many hearing loss treatments available for this type of hearing_loss, such as hearing aids, cochlear implants, and rehabilitation therapy.

Conductive Hearing Loss

Conductive Hearing Loss occurs when sound is unable to reach the inner ear due to damage or blockage. Many factors can contribute to this type of hearing_loss. It can be caused by damage to the bones of the middle ear, wax buildup in the ear canal, fluid buildup in the middle ear, allergies, impacted ear wax, infections, and outer ear deformities.

Treatment options often depend on the underlying cause of the hearing_loss. Surgery to repair the middle or outer ear, wax removal, antibiotics, or hearing aids can help restore hearing. Some damage is permanent, and hearing aids can be used to improve communication.

It is important to identify the cause of hearing_loss in order to determine the best treatment strategy. Regular annual checks are important to detect Conductive Hearing_Loss and other types of hearing_loss early, as well as to monitor any changes in hearing.

Mixed Hearing Loss

Mixed hearing_loss is a combination of both conductive and sensorineural hearing_loss. It occurs when there is damage to both the outer and inner ear, resulting in a combination of conductive hearing loss and sensorineural hearing_loss.

This type of hearing_loss is often caused by combined factors such as fluid trapped in the ear, ear infection, or malfunctioning of the eustachian tube. Some people may also experience mixed hearing_loss due to damage from loud noise, medications, birth defects, or a tumor.

People with mixed hearing_loss can experience difficulty understanding speech in noise, decreased sound clarity, decreased sound localization, and decreased frequency differentiation. Treatment for mixed hearing_loss includes medical and surgical treatments, hearing aids, and assistive listening devices. You may also get family hearing tests here to help categorize your hearing ability.

Explore Different Types of Types of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss impacts people of all ages and can be caused or exacerbated by many different factors. Different types of hearing_loss require different treatments depending on the severity.

It is important to consult with an audiologist and a doctor to evaluate or diagnose hearing_loss and receive guidance on the best treatment plan. Take the first step today, and get in contact with a hearing care professional to learn more about treating hearing_loss.

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