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How to treat dog ear infections naturally



Ear infections are very common ailments that irritate dogs and make them visit vets more frequently. Most of our pet dogs suffer from painful ear infections caused due to bacterias, yeasts, and mites. The prevention and treatment of mild ear infections are possible with the help of natural ingredients. However, severe infections need to be treated with care and under the strict supervision of the veteran.

Types of Ear Infection with their Causes, Symptoms and Natural Treatment

Ear infections in dogs are very frequent and recurring. For the prevention and mitigation of these infections, dog owners should take healthy precautions and ensure cleanliness as recommended in Banixx. Infection in the ear can be caused due to exposure to bacteria. Dog’s ear infection can also be caused due to yeast overgrowth, parasite germination, and exposure to foreign bodies.

  1. Aural Hematoma

This is a kind of ear infection that is caused due to the unhealthy lifestyle of pets. Dog owners need to keep a strict vigil on their pets as shaking head too fast or scratching ears to harshly can result in a diseased state known as an aural hematoma. It is a kind of bruise resulting from scratching ears and blood gets accumulated between the ear flap cartilage and the skin.

Causes behind Aural Hematoma

The main cause behind the cause of aural hematoma in dog’s ears is an unhealthy diet and lifestyle. Dogs are more likely to get prone to infection and the natural defense mechanism gets weakened if the dogs eat processed food as it contains preservatives, refined carbohydrates, and other processed ingredients. Certain food causes intolerance inside the body.

Symptoms of Aural Hematoma

The ears will get heated up, causing redness, itching, and swelling of ear flaps during aural hematoma. There can be visible blood clots seen between ear cartilage and skin. There will be inflammation, and the dog may get irritated unnecessarily. The visible signs of ear infection including head shaking, ear scratching, pawing ears, red, and irritated skin nearby ears.

Natural Remedies to Treat Aural Hematoma

When dogs eat processed food, it does not break down properly and the dogs are not able to digest them. The inability to digest properly causes gut release harmful toxins in the body, resulting in inflammation. When this inflammation pops up causing heating up of that area, dogs feel the urge to shake head rapidly or scratch ears. The most natural remedy is to provide wholesome food with a balanced diet to the pet.

Mild infections of aural hematoma can be cured with the help of natural remedies but the serious conditions might demand surgery from the veteran. There are homeopathic remedies for treating aural hematomas, such as Arnica montana and Hamamelis. Apart from that, a diet rich in nutrients must be given to the dogs.

For treating aural hematoma, regular ear cleaning should be done with olive oil. Two-three drops of olive oil should be squeezed inside the ear and olive oils should be used to massage the ear cartilage and ear lobes. After the massage, the oil should be kept overnight. The next morning the ear should be cleaned with a cotton swab. Olive oil has cleaning properties along with anti-inflammatory properties that can be used as a natural remedy for aural hematoma.

  1. Octodectes Cynotis

Ear mites are caused due to overgrowth of bacterial, germination of yeast, and parasite infection. The most common ear mites are caused due to parasite infection inside dog’s ear and are known as Otodectes Cynotis.

Causes behind Otodectes Cynotis

There are many causes behind bacterial and yeast infection and ear mites. The main cause is improper ear cleaning or excessive ear cleaning. The ear should be cleaned when the ear wax accumulated is more than normal, cleaning should be done with organic witch hazel. Food intolerances, unhealthy lifestyles, or exposure to harmful chemicals can also cause ear mites in dogs.

Symptoms behind Otodectes Cynotis

When there is a possible infection in the ear, the dogs will shake the head more often, tilt the head towards the side of the ear which is infected, and the ear may feel hot and smelly. Sometimes, ear infection causes temporary hearing loss, the dog may lose the balancing control and walk in circles around the space.

Natural Remedies to Treat Octodectes Cynotis

The ear should be cleaned regularly with a normal cleaner and cotton swab. The dog’s ears are usually cleaned by mixing hydrogen peroxide in lukewarm water. The ears can also be cleaned with witch hazel. Witch hazel is an astringent and can be safely used on a dog’s skin. It decreases the itchiness and inflammation inside the ear, causing relief and easing pain. Natural soothing solutions can be prepared by diluting green tea with lukewarm water, which is also beneficial for ear infection.

Ear infection in dogs are very common and should be taken into consideration with its early sign so that any chronic vulnerabilities can be avoided. Natural remedies will help to prevent infection and reduce minor sensitivities.


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