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Top 6 Medical Tips Dealing with Macular Degeneration



Studies have recorded that most vision loss cases for those 60 years old or older are due to macular degeneration. The condition is painless and affects the eye’s macular part, which focuses on your central vision. You can consider seeking medical attention for macular degeneration in San Antonio if you have experienced reduced central vision or have distorted vision in one or both eyes. Although there is no precise treatment for the condition, experts agree that combining lifestyle changes, preventative measures, and eye therapy can ease the symptoms. Here is what you can do.

Go for Routine Eye Check

Having your eye examined by the experts is good even if you do not have complications. You should ensure you have your eyes checked often to help your doctor detect problems and manage them before they advance. Your doctor will use eye drops to enlarge your pupils and inspect for defects when you are enduring dry macular degeneration; your provider will detect drusen with ease through the inspection.

Consider the Amsler Grid

You can always consult your doctor about using the Amsler grid to test macular pigmentation. The grid looks like graph paper, and you look at it to see if you note any lines being wavy to indicate you have the condition. You can also do this test at home by simply downloading the grid test and putting the chart about 242 inches from eye level. You can close one eye at a time and focus on the center dot to see if the grids appear wavy.

Try an Ocular Angiogram

You can also consult your doctor about the ocular angiogram, which involves inserting a dye into one of your arm’s veins. The dye will be recorded as it travels to your eye’s retina to detect any leakages that could be identified with macular pigmentation. In about 11-18 seconds after injection, you should see the dye in the retinal area. Also, you should see the dye in the optic nerve in about 12 seconds after injection.

Go for an Optical Coherence Tomography

This is an exam aiming at evaluating the multiple layers of your retina through light waves. The test will show the thickness of the retina retinal layers anatomy and show any abnormalities within the layers such as new blood vessels, blood, or fluid. The procedure can either be done by dilating your eyes or through a non-dilated pupil.

Injection of Anti-VEGF Agent

The vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) mainly contributes to the abnormal growth of blood vessels. Therefore, the growth of the blood vessels can be inhibited by suppressing the chemical with an anti-VEGF agent. Your doctor will evaluate your options to understand the right agent for you. A fine needle will be used alongside local anesthesia, and you will experience no pain.

Consider Photodynamic Therapy

This treatment uses light therapy and a particular drug to stop blood vessel growth. This is mainly effective when dealing with wet macular degeneration. It is a two-step procedure you will receive with one visit to the clinic. A particular drug, Visudyne or verteporfin, will be administered intravenously to stop additional blood vessels growth. Red light therapy can also be a good option to treat macular degeneration. There are devices that can be used at home like the red light therapy bed or handheld machines.

You can deal with macular degeneration in several ways. All that matters is getting an accurate diagnosis and the proper treatment. The macular degeneration specialists at Alamo Eye Care can help you accurately diagnose your condition and understand the best way to deal with your symptoms. You can book an online appointment for more information.


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