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Tips to Land Entry-Level jobs



When one graduate, the usual track is to look for a job right away. However, as much as you would want a high-paying job immediately, that rarely happens. Employers usually look for people with plenty of experience when it comes to those higher-paying positions.

But that’s why there are entry-level jobs. These jobs are mainly for young professionals who have little to no work experience. Working in these entry-level roles can become bridges to better work opportunities in the future. If you want to gain experience, applying for an entry-level job is the best way to go.

If this is your first time applying for work, it may get a little intimidating. To help ease your apprehensions, here are a few tips to go through before sending your resume out.

List relevant skills and experiences in your resume.

Here’s a secret: prospective employers don’t only look at your work experience. No one would get hired if all that was all they looked for. After all, you do need to get employed to gain experience, right?

Employers also look at the skills you listed in your resume. They may be relevant to the employer’s line of work. These skills also tell potential employers what you are capable of learning.  For example, being part of the debate club shows your employer that you are good at logical thinking. If you listed that you babysat during your free days, it means you are good at dealing with people. It also shows you are very industrious and hard-working. Think of what experiences you have had that would be relevant, and make sure to emphasize them in your resume.

Remember that there are more entry-level jobs than you think.

If you have recently applied for a job and were rejected, don’t feel down. In fact, do yourself a favor and Google “how many jobs are available in finance.” You’d be surprised at the number of search results that will pop out. There are plenty of fields in finance, and each area has many job opportunities available. You’ll get one of those eventually. Don’t give up, and keep on trying.

Don’t be choosy when it comes to entry-level jobs.

If you have no work experience and come across an employer willing to give you a chance, take it. For example, you’re a photography major. Sadly, all the job openings you see are business-related. Go for it, anyway. Just because you take one of the many business administration jobs available doesn’t mean you’ll be there forever. And just because you’re working there doesn’t mean you have to stop looking for better opportunities. Think of it as a way to finance yourself and gain the work experience you can use in the future.

Don’t be intimidated by all the qualifications required.

If you come across a job you’re interested in but require many things, apply anyway. Job descriptions, more often than not, are wishful thinking instead of being based on reality. These job descriptions are also used to scare away applicants, making weeding people easier.

If you apply, even if you don’t have the experience, you’ll be part of a small group that did. That means you have courage, and that alone can impress your prospective employer. At the same time, think of the posting as a peek into the employer’s mind. If those are what they’re looking for, try to demonstrate that you have the qualifications, if not the experience. Just be honest about having no work experience, and you’ll have put your best foot forward immediately.

Use your network to look for work.

The best way to look for work is to ask your network about any openings they know about. The advantage of that is that they know you and your capabilities. That means they’d be more willing to recommend you to people they know. They know you will not let them down or embarrass them, so make sure you don’t!

Keep in mind while you’re applying that there are more job opportunities for people with no experience than you think. It’s simply a matter of spotting opportunities, being open-minded and honest, and putting your best foot forward. You’ll land one sooner than you think.


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