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Tips to excel in statistics assignments



Statistics is one of the most demanding subjects. It takes time and practice to perfect, and most students find it challenging. Many students lose out on marks because of the many peculiarities associated with statistics. The low scores in statistics ruin the average and also haunt them when they are out looking for a job. So, what can you do to change this situation? Well, some tips can help you excel in the assignments. Read below to know more. 

Be attentive in the classroom.

While in the class, be attentive, and listen to every word your professor says. If you do not understand anything across the lecture, halt the professor and clarify your doubts. Remember, statistics is not easy. So, if you lack clarity on a particular concept, it may affect your further concept understanding too. Hence, do not leave the class with doubts in your head. 

Make notes

In addition to listening to the professor and understanding every word they say, you must also take notes. Of course, we understand that while you attend lectures, listen to the professor, and understand every concept, you are already doing so much. It is not easy to also write them down. But, please know that you do not receive assignments instantly. It does not happen that you study a subject, and the following day you will receive a task on it. Usually, the professor assigns the assignments a day or two, sometimes even a week after you study a concept. So, if you do not write it down, you will forget it. You do not want to eliminate things from your memory. Hence, always make it a point to make concise notes. When you go home, revise these notes, and detail them into more detailed notes. It can help you while preparing for the exams and working on the homework. 


One of the best ways to get well-versed with statistics is via ample practice. So, anytime you learn a new concept in the class, always go home and revise this topic and practice statistics homework questions around it. It will help you establish a firm grip on these concepts and make it easier for you to solve the assignments. Unifolks is an excellent platform for this. It has several solved practice questions, past-year papers, and sample questions with solutions. You can work on them and learn better. When you are well-versed with the concepts, you can solve questions around them. 

Ensure you sit in a noise-free room

You should have absolute silence when you sit and work on the assignment. Hence, ensure that the room you sit in is away from the kitchen and the exit. There should be no noise or chaos around. If you cannot find a quiet spot in your house, you can visit a library to finish your homework.

Sit in a well-lit room.

In an attempt to solve the assignment, you should not strain your eyes. So, ensure that the room where you sit and work on the homework is well-lit and cool. It will help you concentrate better without getting bogged down by external factors. 

Gather all the supplies

Before starting with the assignment, take a moment and think hard. What are the things you will need throughout the homework? Fetch it all before you sit with the task. It will prevent the need to get up multiple times during the assignment and save time. 

Clear the clutter

Before you sit down and start the assignment, eliminate all the extra mess in and around your desk. On the desk, you should strictly have the things you need. Keep everything else away from you. Always remember having a higher number of things around heightens the chances of distraction.

Read the guidelines carefully.

Every question assignment comes with a set of guidelines. Usually, the university and the professors prescribe these guidelines to maintain uniformity in the papers. Hence, even though there are no extra marks for following these guidelines, you will 100 percent lose marks by not adhering to them. So, carefully read the guidelines, and stick to them. 

Read the question.

In a statistic assignment, there will be a ton of factual information. Hence, it is vital to read through the questions before solving them. Ideally, read every question thrice. 

  1. In your first reading, you can get the gist of the question. If you do not understand, do not waste time on it, and consider looking for online statistics homework help
  2. Now, read the question a second time. In your second reading, you should write down or highlight every vital detail around the question, along with what you have to find. 
  3. In your final reading, match the information, and see if you have everything to work on this problem. 

If yes, you can start solving it. But, if the answer is no, you can either re-read the question or get assignment assistance. 

Do the complete assignment in one go.

Often students tend to take multiple breaks during the assignments. It unnecessarily elongates the homework solving time and complicates the task. You return after the break, re-read where you left, and proceed. It is the worst practice, and you should avoid it. In addition, taking long breaks during the assignment also increases the susceptibility to silly mistakes. So, before starting the task, think about how much time you need to complete it, and then spare that much time in your schedule to complete the whole homework in one go. 

Keep distractions at bay.

Often your phone is your number one distraction. So, while you sit with the task, turn off your phone. You can keep it in a separate room to avoid touching it. Alternatively, apps like Forest can also help you focus on the task. Constantly using the phone while working on the task adds to the homework solving time and increases the probability of errors. However, before you keep your phone away, it is a good practice to inform your parents about your unavailability. You do not want them worrying about you. 

Get help 

If you find it tricky to complete your statistics assignment despite all the above-listed tips, consider getting assistance. There are multiple sources where you can get homework help. A few sources include: 

  1. Your siblings or parents if they studied statistics in their school and college. 
  2. Your classmates who work and learn the same things as you. 
  3. The professors, if you do not understand any concept. 
  4. Online statistic courses wherein you can learn the concepts better.
  5. Homework help platforms that have experts guiding the task. 

So, these are some of the top tips to excel in the statistics assignment. Have more information and suggestions to share? Please let us know in the comments below. 


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