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These Powerful Crystals Can Help You To Achieve Better Health And Wellbeing



If you are interested in spirituality, then it’s highly likely that you are already familiar with crystals. Spiritualists believe that crystals can be used to heal one’s body, mentally and physically. As you probably already know, different crystals have different effects on the human body. Some have more of a mental effect, while others are more physical.

If you plan on using crystals to improve your health, then you need to find a crystal that’s right for you and can deliver what you’re searching for.

This post will tell you about some powerful crystals that you should consider using:


Amethyst is a very popular crystal, used in a variety of different spiritual practices and rituals. It is also one of the most vibrant and beautiful purple gemstones, with a deep, rich color. Amethyst is widely available, so if it’s something that you are interested in using, then you won’t have a hard time finding it. It’s widely believed that amethyst can enhance one’s immune system, improve the appearance of one’s skin, aid one’s digestive system, reduce headaches, and regulate hormones. Many practitioners also claim that amethyst can significantly reduce the symptoms of depression and anxiety, because of its calming properties.

Clear Quartz

Out of all of the stones on this list, clear quartz is considered to be the most powerful healing stone. Clear quartz is used by practitioners to improve the function and health of their energetic system. If you intend on using quartz for this purpose, then it’s a good idea to first research how to incorporate the stone into your rituals for maximum effect. Quartz also has many health benefits, and like amethyst, can be used to treat and cure mental health issues. Neither amethyst nor clear quartz should be used in place of proper medical treatment, however. Healing stones work better in combination with professional medical care.


Jasper is a beautiful, red gemstone that’s unmistakable. Jasper is used mainly to combat stress disorders, anxiety, and depression. While the other stones mentioned here so far can be used for these things, jasper is a stone that’s used specifically for them. Clear quartz and amethyst are mainly used for improving one’s health, instead of actually curing mental health issues. If you suffer from mental health issues, spiritualists suggest wearing a necklace made from jasper around your neck or carrying it in your pocket.  


Bloodstone (as its name suggests) is used to improve the function of one’s circulatory system. It is said to cleanse the blood, eliminating toxins. Like jasper, it is advised that this stone is worn as a necklace or carried around at all times so that it has the opportunity to do its job. If you are suffering from inflammation and pain, then bloodstone could also help with that. A lot of people believe that if you rub bloodstone on an area that’s painful, the stone will begin healing it. The stone is also used to treat swelling.


Obsidian is a dark gemstone that’s like jasper, in that it’s used to help people to deal with stress and overcome their emotions. Obsidian is a very beautiful stone that can be cut into jewelry if you want it to. If you struggle with mental health issues or a stress disorder, then you could consider wearing an obsidian ring at all times. As has been mentioned already and as is the case with all of the stones in this post, obsidian is most effective when it’s with you at all times, so that it is close enough to you to do its job.


Sapphire is a very popular gemstone. It is popular with both spiritualists and ordinary people who like its bright color. If you are interested in purchasing sapphire, then you should be aware that it can be very expensive. The best way to purchase the stone is to purchase small gems, rather than jewelry. When it’s made into jewelry, it can cost a fortune. Sapphire is predominantly used in the pursuit of wealth because practitioners believe that it can help to bring about prosperity and luck. If you are concerned that you aren’t a very lucky person, then sapphire could be the stone that’s right for you.


Jade is another stone that’s quite expensive. Jade is mostly used in Chinese jewelry, but can also be found in European and North American jewelry sometimes. If you intend on using jade, then again, it’s a lot cheaper to buy it when it’s in stone form, because once it’s turned into jewelry the price tends to rise significantly. Jade is a beautiful green color, although the purer and better it is, the lighter the color gets. Jade that’s almost white is the most valuable and is also the best for spiritual practices.

Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is a stone that’s most often used for love rituals. It is used by practitioners who are trying to get somebody to love them, or it can be used to help restore the love in a relationship if the relationship’s failing. Rose quartz is a very beautiful stone. It looks great in jewelry. If you are going to buy rose quartz, then it’s a good idea to buy it in jewelry form, so that you can carry it around with you everywhere that you go. In addition to increasing feelings of love, rose quartz can also increase the trust in a relationship.


Another stone that’s worth investing in if you care about your health is moonstone. Most experts agree that moonstone is the best tool for improving one’s confidence and inner growth. Many people think that moonstone can help them to recover from emotional distress. This is because moonstone supposedly helps to stabilize one’s emotions and calms one down. Moonstone can also help people to gain insight into why they behave that they do. It’s also meant to be a lucky stone, meaning that it can help to bring wealth to those who use it.

If you want to improve your health and well-being, then in addition to living a healthy lifestyle, you could consider using healing stones. Many people find that healing stones completely transform their lives, helping them to feel more confident and happier. They could do the same thing for you if you use them right. If you have any questions or concerns about how to properly use them, you should either contact a spiritual teacher or read online guides.


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