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The Top 4 Infrastructure Improvements Planned for the Next 5 Years



In 2021, the Biden administration passed a $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill. With so much money being spent on infrastructure, it’s important for taxpayers to know what’s actually in the bill. 

From funding bridges and roads to expanding internet access, this large bill has a lot inside it. And it will likely affect the lives of many Americans. 

What can you expect from this historic bill? And how will it impact your own life?
Keep on reading and we’ll take you through the top infrastructure improvements that you can expect in the coming years. 

Funding for Roads and Bridges

American infrastructure is weak and crumbling. And that’s perhaps most obvious to people who regularly have to drive over bridges and roads. 

The Biden infrastructure bill calls for money to go to bridges, roads, and similar projects. It’s less money than what Biden originally wanted but it’s still the biggest bridge investment in history.

The bill also has billions of dollars for big projects that are too complex for traditional funding programs. These investments will focus on climate change mitigation and safety for pedestrians and cyclists. 

The bill also has money for transportation safety to reduce fatalities and crashes. 

Internet Upgrade

The infrastructure plan spends tens of billions of dollars to improve the country’s internet infrastructure. The White House wants to close the digital divide in the United States. 
The plan also wants to lower the prices that people for internet service. It will do this by requiring federal funding recipients to provide a low-cost affordable plan. Companies will need to create price transparency.

The government is also going to make a permanent federal program to help people with lower incomes get access to the internet.  

You can click here to learn about how you can get involved with these projects. 

Improving Water and Power Systems

If you were to look at the Infrastructure Bill 2021 breakdown, you would see $65 billion dedicated to rebuilding the electric grid. The bill will lead to the creation of thousands of miles of new power lines and will work to expand renewable energy use.

$55 billion will be spent on upgrading water infrastructure. The plan is to replace lead service pipes and lines so that people can access clean drinking water. 

Another $50 billion is going to go to making water systems more resistant. Officials want to protect these systems from cyber attacks, floods, and drought. 

Money for Rail and Transit

Joe Biden is a big fan of the country’s rail system. He plans to make train stations more accessible to people and bring transit to more communities. He also plans to replace thousands of buses with ones that are more modern and environmentally friendly

Know About the Infrastructure Improvements Planned for Your Neighborhood

No matter how you feel about the Biden Administration, you can’t deny that the Infrastructure Bill is going to greatly affect the way that the country runs. By knowing about the infrastructure improvements planned for the coming years, you can get involved and see how your community will be affected.

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