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The rebuilt LittleBigPlanet project will be completed after the dissolution and abandonment of Sony Europe



The hardest news is the most difficult to analyze and explain, writing a poorly acquired eulogy for titles that never had a fair share of the limelight. The LittleBigPlanet Restitched Project Shuts Down After Receiving A Cease And Desist From Sony Europe, nonprofit community project has been discontinued and Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe has resigned after months of working on the project. Their alpha ad has brought unprecedented levels of hype to the genre of PC enthusiasts who are eager to immerse themselves in the world that Media Molecule envisions and has created as a PlayStation solely for the precision and convenience of a computer. 

The development studio behind LBP Restitched, Trixel Creative, spent countless hours on the project, working closely with the LBP community manager from the outset to make sure they were always in the realm of not calling Sony Ireland. It included several statements saying that Trixel Creative is well on its way to being a fan project, a nonprofit company, and many other boring legal terms (though probably interesting to lawyers). 

This news draws your attention very much as the dreams of everyone involved have created a new nostalgic experience for the community. – Creative Trixel 

Sony Europe claimed that the reason for closing the project was the sale of the project despite Trixel Creative’s efforts. Unfortunately, Trixel has little to say, while Sony has IP on Sumo Digital. 


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