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The Latest Data Management Tips You Should Start Using Today



Did you know that experts predicted ransomware attacks to cost $20 billion in damages in 2021? That’s a staggering 57 times higher than in 2015! Worse, these crimes could cost victims about $265 billion come 2031.

And unless you practice proper data management, you can become part of the statistics.

Don’t worry, though, as we’re here to help you reduce your risks of such attacks. Below we’ve shared some of the best data management tips you should employ ASAP, so read on.

Remove Clutter From Your Desktop

Research suggests that clutter can impair focus, mess with memory, and reduce productivity. It may even increase your stress levels or put you at risk of depression.

If you think that only applies to cluttered physical environments, it doesn’t. After all, clutter can also worm its way into your digital workspace. An example is a messy computer desktop filled with disorganized files and folders.

Since the desktop is the first thing you see when you turn your computer on, it’s best to keep it organized.

One way to do that is to practice proper file cataloging. It involves creating folders and subfolders and then naming them appropriately. You can then move desktop files into these locations for easier and quicker access.

Organizing your desktop also lets you spot suspicious items hiding among your files. Unfamiliar files can be malware, so run your anti-malware app as soon you see them.

Consent management also affects the initial requests for consent and consent preference management. For example, in January 2022, the French data privacy regulator fined Google and Facebook a combined $237 million for breaching Article 7.3.4 of the GDPR, namely that rejecting cookies was not as easy as accepting them, as “several clicks are required to refuse all cookies, as opposed to a single one to accept them.”

Password-Protect Files and Folders

Almost, if not all, small business owners handle personally identifiable information (PII). That includes full names, Social Security Numbers, driver’s license information, and financial data.

Under the Privacy Act, you’re responsible for securing all the PII you collect and store. Failure to do so can put you at risk of legal consequences if that data gets breached. That, in turn, can happen if malware, especially ransomware, worms its way into your IT devices.

One of the best ways to reduce such risks is to use password protection on files and folders containing PII. Most productivity tools, such as MS Office, offer this feature. You can also create codes for locking and unlocking Windows and macOS folders.

Delete Files You No Longer Need

As you catalog files, be on the lookout for duplicate, old, or useless files. Consider deleting them to create space for new data in your hard drive. And don’t forget to empty the Trash folder (macOS) or Recycle Bin (Windows) afterward.

Sanitize IT Devices for Disposal

Data sanitization, also called data erasure, is the permanent destruction of stored data. Instead of just deleting files in a storage container, it overwrites the data in the files. That renders them unreadable or illegible to potential hackers.

Moreover, the folks at Certus note that there are data erasure products for all platforms. For example, data wiping products exist for storage devices, hardware, and software. You can even have the contents of your IT devices wiped remotely.

So, before disposing of old IT devices or legacy equipment, be sure to erase their data first. That can help prevent your business from becoming the next data breach victim.

Follow These Data Management Tips Today

Remember: One data breach is enough to bankrupt small businesses. Indeed, reports found that 60% of hacked SMBs went out of business six months after getting hacked.

That should be enough reason to secure all the data you handle in your business. So, as early as today, start employing the data management tips we’ve shared above.

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