The Good and the Bad Side to Aluminum Siding



Aluminum siding was first introduced in the market as a cheaper alternative to wood, because it is less expensive and requires less maintenance. It’s also about half as heavy.
After some years in the market, it was shaken by the introduction of vinyl and is considered to be even cheaper.


Aluminum siding was preferred because it provides many benefits, including:

  1. Unlike wood, it does not catch fire and is thus less likely to attract insects.
  2. Coloring done in the factory gives a product color that lasts for decades when well cared for.
  3. It is less expensive than other siding materials, and it comes in a variety of sizes because people can always recycle it.
  4. It is lighter in weight, and therefore easier to install.
  5. It is easy to maintain, as many of the necessary maintenance tasks—such as washing—can be performed by a homeowner.
  6. It is excellent for retaining heat in your home, and the insulation rate is vital during winter when you need to keep warm.
  7. It is environmentally friendly compared to other sidings because it can be recycled. It cannot pollute the environment like ordinary siding materials do when they are broken down into small pieces and discarded in landfill areas or burned in incinerators.
  8. Because of its waterproof quality and resistance to rot, it is a great choice for customers. It lasts for many years—even decades—and continues to serve its purpose well during that time.
  9. It comes in many forms, some resembling wood and others shaped differently. The variety lets you pick what is suitable for your home as there is never a shortage of choices.


Although it has many benefits, there are some disadvantages that include;

  1. It is a soft metal that scratches easily, and therefore should be mounted onto the wall carefully.
  2. If you need to repair your aluminum siding after a disaster, it’s best to hire a skilled technician who is familiar with this type of work. It will cost more in terms of labor and materials needed for the repairs if an inexperienced worker does them.

If you want more information about siding, contact a professional siding contractors. They can tell you all the different types of siding available and help make your decision easier.


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