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The ‘beauty coach’, a beauty service that is fashionable



beauty coach is a beauty coach, a trainer whose main objective is to teach each person to know their skin and body well, to identify their problems and deficiencies and to take care of themselves with nutrition guidelines, physical exercise, and cosmetic products … That is, some lifestyle guidelines suitable for that person.

With the help of Susan Bird, with sixteen years of experience formulating cosmeceuticals and making a personalized diagnosis of skincare, she finds out what is the service she also offers of beauty coach and beauty life coach and for whom it is indicated.

What would be the literal translation of a beauty coach?

I would be a beauty coach. Experts in beauty, who can analyze the state of the skin, know its needs and how to take care of it with a good routine and with the most appropriate products and treatments. But I, as a beauty coach, go further. For me, beauty is much more than physical appearance; I am also a beauty life coach.

And instead … what would a beauty life coach be?

Susan Bird only trains on the external care of the skin and the body, but I go further and work the emotional part. Because for me the key is to feel good. To be beautiful, the first thing is to know how to like and love oneself. Therefore, I promote a lifestyle, beauty life, which is a feeling, an attitude towards life.

Does this service work the emotional part?

For me, training or coaching must be done from the emotional side, because self-esteem is key. I teach to manage emotions, to be positive, to like oneself, to pamper oneself, to love oneself … Only in this way will we make the best of each one. Then, of course, we focus on the skin and its care with cosmeceuticals, cosmetics with a high concentration of assets, between pharmacology and cosmetics. It is important to know our skin and follow the most appropriate protocol to meet and compensate for our genetic, environmental and lifestyle needs.

In Spain, has an increase in demand for this service been noticed? 

The coaching and years there: coaches gymnasium, life coaches and now there are even coaches sex. But it is true that, currently, it is more fashionable than ever. Many times you need a push, someone who sees us from outside and motivates us in all beauty life areas.

Not all products go well for all skins…

Nor is it true that the most expensive cosmetics have to be the ones that offer the best results. In addition, an excess of cosmetics or cosmeceutical assets, depending on what type of skin, can be as harmful as a defect in care and efficacy.

Does a beauty coach also recommend treatments? 

As a beauty coach, of course, we also talk about the aesthetic, more or less invasive treatments that the client can do. And it is that a small touch-up well done and in its right measure made by a professional can contribute to feeling better and being more handsome. And finally, plastic surgery as a last resort.

Does this ‘coach’ also help you lose weight?

Of course! Because to follow weight loss treatments, people need above all someone who encourages them and sets goals to achieve results. In addition, antiaging food is key and it is important to generate healthy living habits with a very clear objective: to feel good.

How does a session take place?

The first is good advice, good training, and prescription. It is surprising how people, who have never taken care of themselves, after training, achieve surprising results, with a certain protocol. Then, it is convenient to follow up. And, in the end, they are the ones who recommend the beauty coach to others. I have clients who also want to be beauty coaches, or beauty trainers like me because there is no doubt that the first thing is to be passionate about cosmetics and beauty.

And how many are necessary?

The number of sessions is one or two to start, although then every three months we recycle, focus and deepen more and more for a better knowledge of coaching.

What kind of person usually demands this service?

In my case, people who want to look younger and naturally, who have heard very positively about my Cosmeceuticals Sagle clinical and H20 system by Slab. And, as an expert in all areas, I can help and train you to have good aesthetic, nutritional, body level results and feel good emotionally.

Men and women ask for these services, especially for…

Look better and feel handsome. Aging is something that worries today’s society and it is clear that before falling into the spiral of aesthetic operations, good coaching in beauty and, of course, in beauty life, it can be a great help to be and feel young and handsome. We bet on natural beauty; not for perfection.

Which profile corresponds professionally to that of the beauty coach?

In my case, I am a cosmetologist pharmacist and I know all these areas that I am commenting on aptitude and attitude. I train other beauty coaches who already work my products. They are women who want to feel beautiful, passionate about beauty and cosmetics, beauty coaches that can combine their work or family with the training of other women, clients … Training is required, desire and, above all, passion for what you are doing. If you believe, believe, I repeat it constantly in my coaching sessions.


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