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Team Solo Mid Officially Welcomes Back Doublelift 2



Without a doubt, the most successful North American player in League of Legends has returned to one of the most successful organizations in the history of LCS.

After weeks of speculation, TSM has finally announced that superstar AD Doublelift will return to LCS Summer Split 2020. This comes after one of the worst seasons of his 26-year veteran career at Team Liquid.

Until 2018 and 2019, Liquid dominated the championship with the star of the main characters, with players such as Doublelift, Jensen, CoreJJ, Impact, and Xmithie. There was no team in this field that could withstand the fire of the fluid is brought to the Summoner’s Rift, so they won four consecutive LCS titles.

However, like many other Powerhouse NA teams, Liquid is fighting for an international game. Although they reached the final of MSI 2019, they could not leave the group stage of the World Cup, which Deoster has in mind from the beginning. As a result, they entered the league when they decided to sign Broxah for the 2020 season.

Unfortunately for fans, this season has been one of the team’s worst achievements in the recent past. The team also has a number of issues, such as issues with the early Brox visa that prevented him from joining the team in the first weeks of separation.

Doublelift even admitted that it lost its incentives earlier this year, which eventually led to the bank. He also focused on his team’s communication problems and confirmed that he was no longer the main shooter after the change in strategy.

A talented shooter said he was looking for help to solve the team’s problems. After talking to Steve Arhanset, CEO of Liquid, they both realized that the team’s problems were “a little more complicated than expected”.

Meanwhile, TSM has also confirmed that it will help Casper “Cobbe” Cobberup find another team for the summer. Cobbe’s short stay at the TSM did not end as he had imagined when the team bypassed the playoffs against FlyQuest in the second round.

Although TSM’s problems with Split’s past have nothing to do with Cobbe’s performance, Superstar Doublelift is considered one of NA’s most valuable players, so each team seems to be adjusting their plans if possible Academy Players. Science with the most championships they win.


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