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10 Toughest Super-Villains Batman Defeated

Villains Batman
Batman has repeatedly defeated many supervillains. Here are 10 that he has defeated over the years in comics and movies.
While he doesn’t have the amazing abilities of many of his friends ’heroes, Batman has repeatedly argued that he doesn’t need those superpowers. He is a leading detective with high intelligence. Bruce Wayne also has a lot of money to fund his vigilant work and all the necessary gadgets.
Even with an unbeatable chance, Caped Crusader very often comes out on top. There are plenty of villains and creatures of extraordinary power that fans didn’t expect Batman to be able to defeat, but he does it more than once. Here are 10 super villains that Batman defeated through comics and movies.
10 Doctor Destiny
Appearing in the highly acclaimed episode of the Justice League animated series “Dream Only”, the team takes on the fate of a doctor who has the opportunity to control others through dreams. He even manages to get on the team and uses his strength to make them fall asleep. Batman and the Mars manhunters who have been in the last three nights before are the only members of the Justice League who are still on duty. Batman continues to find the demon, and Martian Manhunter concentrates his efforts on the rest of the team.
At first, Batman tries to find Doctor Fate, and the more he tries, the harder he is on duty. Eventually, he follows Dr. Fate to the warehouse. While Batman’s closeness gives him an advantage, he outwits him by constantly repeating an attractive melody. When Dr. Destiny attacks, Batman easily avoids it, forcing him to use a syringe with a powerful sedative.
9 Lex Luthor
Although Lex Luthor, traditionally known as one of the greatest villains, was technically a hero at the time it happened. It happens after he joins the Justice League and even becomes the new Superman.
During Robin Rises Omega, Batman tries to recover the body of his dead son Damian Wayne. The Justice League arrives and Shasam does not allow him to persecute those responsible, so an angry Batman attacks Shasam. After that, Lex Luthor further provokes Batman, causing a blow that left Luther on the ground.
8 Bane
One thing Bane can boast over many other Batman villains other villains is “the man who broke the bat,” literally breaking his spine along the way. The villain spent most of his childhood in Peña Duro Prison in Santa Prisco and even watched his mother die at a very young age. He continued to read and gain knowledge by becoming king of Peña Duro before taking him to experiments with Venom, which made him cruel. The only way Batman has traditionally been able to defeat him is to distract him from Venom. As a result, Bane drops to normal size along with several other side effects.
7 The Batman Who Laughs
“Batman Who Laughs” is definitely the most popular and famous character in Dark Knights: Metal. This is a version of Batman that takes the heroic behavior of the hero to a whole new level. After being hit by a Joker toxin, Batman turns into a mixture of the Joker and himself. He also comes to serve as a lieutenant in the dark god Barbatos in his war with the rest of the multiviverse.
In a shocking move, Batman asked for the unlikely help of Joker to help remove “Batman, who was laughing.” The couple then strikes him because he relies too much on predicting future results, and the Joker is too unpredictable to do so.
6 Reverse Flash
The plot of Flashpoint follows the story of Barry Allen as he wakes up without his powers in a world that doesn’t look like the one he knew. Here, the Justice League has never formed and Wonder Woman is at war with Aquaman. Thomas Wayne is also Batman because Bruce was killed while towing in place of his parents.
In the final battle, Reverse Flash reveals that Flash itself was responsible for the alternative reality in which they are located. He caused this by coming back in time to stop Eobard Thawne from killing his parents, thus changing the story of his other heroes. When Reverse Flash is minutes from Killing Flash, Batman stabs him with an Amazon sword.
5 Ra’s Al Ghul
Batman’s other most famous villain, Ra’s Al Ghul, always poses a great threat to the Tomb Crusader because he is equal to him in many ways. Their goal is to bring order to chaos, but Ra Al Ghul is much more ruthless in pursuing it, without worrying about the victims.
He is unique in being immortal and over six hundred years old and found the Killers League when he set out to master everything. Despite the fact that the two are equally equal in combat, Batman is a better martial artist. It was he who managed to defeat Ra Al Ghula many times by fighting in his hands.
4 Circe
Circe is one of the most powerful and wicked villains of Wonder Woman, an immortal sorcerer from Greek mythology who rules magic more strongly than most gods. She was responsible for Hermes’ death and even opposed Superman to Wonder Woman using mind control.
She also initiated Amazons Attack! an event in which she brought Wonder Woman’s mother back to life and fraudulently tried to regain her throne. Batman and the Justice League get involved in the fact that Batman even faces it himself. He used some magical words he had received from Zatanna , who briefly combined her magic. When that happened, he managed to hit her in the face and knock him out.
3 Kalibak
As the firstborn son of Darkseid, Kalibak is an incredibly powerful new God and is often the second leader of his father, who often attacks the Earth. When he learns that Damian Wayne’s body contains a shred of chaos, he steals his coffin and means to bring the shred to his Darkseid.
After learning what happened, Batman goes to war using the Hellbat armor, which the Justice League produced with enough power to take out the gods that were later used by the Darkseid. Before reaching him, he encounters Kalibaku, which he completely destroys in a matter of seconds.
2 Ares
Ares is a Greek war god and served as the main antagonist in the first Wonder Woman film. He also encounters Batman and Wonder Woman in the Dark Knights: Metal Comic, Batman: The Merciless. The two heroes, along with the others, enter an endless war against Ares. In the middle of the war, Bruce and Diana fall in love.
In the final battle, Batman and Ares are the only ones left standing, and Wonder Woman is incapacitated. After losing everyone, Batman goes crazy and picks up a magical Ares helmet. This makes him a ruthless monster who previously defeats Ares and becomes the new god of war.
1 Darkseid
One of the oldest “New Gods”, Darkside is the crazy ruler of Apokolipus, who often tries to rule the universe and get his hands on the anti-life equation. Surprisingly, Batman defeated Darkseid several times.
In the last crisis, after killing the New God Orion , Darkside is attacking Earth using the Anti-Daily Equation. Batman, realizing that the stakes are too high to keep his code, decides to use a particularly powerful weapon that destroys Darkseid. Nevertheless, he still has the opportunity to use Omega beams and take Batman with him. The next time Batman used Hellbat armor to capture the entire Apokolip, and at that time killed Kalibaka. He then attacks and smashes Darkseid with his armor.

Sebastian was born and raised in the busy city of Abbottabad. As a journalist, Saad Mushtaq has contributed to many online publications including the PAK Today and the Huffing Post. In regards to academics, Saad Mushtaq earned a degree in business from the Abbottabad UST, Havelian. Saad Mushtaq follows the money and covers all aspects of emerging tech here at The Hear Up.Thanks